like most u s a schrade s the lb7 unless a limited run were not #ed i have one i have had since 86 great knves hope this helped also only u s a have any collecter value
I have a uncle Henry Schrade + LB7 USA with serial number AV25707 how old is it and what is it worth it is real good shape
I recently saw a 1984 in box mint go for about $120
depends on which engine you have. 2004 was the transition year. look at the eighth digit in your vin # if its a "1" you have a LB7, if its a "2" you have a LLY. LB7 300hp 520ft tq LLY 310hp 605ft tq
The Duramax is a General Motors diesel v8 engine. There are five types of Duramax engines: LB7, LLY, 2006 LLY, LBZ, and LMM. The 8th number on the VIN number will identify the engine type.
Big plastic thing on top of the engine that says 6.6 air intake resonator
LB7=520 LLY=605 LBZ=650 LMM=660 all are in lb-ft
Lb7=01-04.5 lly=04.5-05 lbz=06-07 lmm=08-10 lml=11-??
The torque on a Duramax LB7 is 520 pound-foot. The LBZ is 650 and the LMM is 660. The horsepower on a Duramax is 300.
(Lb7) 300 (LLY) 310... 320 on LLY's put in trucks in 2006-2007 (LBZ) 360 (LMM) 365
(Lb7)300hp (LLY)310hp and 320 hp on LLY models put in 2006-2007 trucks (LBZ)360hp (LMM)365hp
Chevrolet owns the Duramax engine and design. They produce the engines. The original design, LB7 engine code (years 01-04), was purchased from Isuzu.
Duramax firing order 1 - 2 - 7 - 8 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 3. The placement is 1, 3, 5, 7 on one bank and 2, 4, 6, 8 on the other bank. The cylinder farthest forward is number 1.