With a SN like that I don't think it is an 1800's version. a picture would be helpful, There have been many reproductions of that gun over the years. The proof marks and lock would be the teller on that one.
Only what someone is willing to pay !
I bought one in about 1972. Mine has a serial number of 111808
Modern reproduction of the Philadelphia Deringer. Original has one R, the reproductions are derringer with 2 Rs. Value is typically in the $75-$100 range.
We need a make of derringer.
I bought one this afternoon at a gun shop for $39. Not great condition, but a bit of a novelty.
Yes. The McCoys, including Rick Zehringer, (better known as Rick Derringer), had a number one hit with the song in 1965.
No public database- sorry.
I was told by a gun collector that a five digit number on an imported derringer is not a serial number- it is a lot number ( a serial number should be at least 6 digits) what about the proof markings on the gun? can this identify the company or date or just the country of origin?
No way to answer without a serial number and complete description
You don't provide a serial number.
100 or so
Es authentic?