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i don't want to leave you with a empty question so ill tell you what i know. i am a ranger and i killed elvarg with crossbow and the shield i think i had like maby 60 or 70 range at the time so if i were you i would maby try to get like 50 def and 50 attack and str if your up to it. i used to make warrior accs so i no a lot about the skills plus ive been playing for 6 years so hope this helps.

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Q: You could kill Elvarg with 40 attack and defense 41 strength and 39 magic?
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I am combat level 62 I have 20 lobsters and a strength potion my weapon is a rune scimmy and I have a rune helm and adamant platelegs and platebody do you think I could defeat Elvarg?

i did it at level 40 with full addy and addy scimmi, i think you'll be fine totaly ive seen lvl 10s do it

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Can a level 52 beat elvarg?

Its highly unlikely and the answer is going to have to be a no. ----------------------------------- EDIT Yes a level 15 can defeat elvarg, though it would not be easy, and I am not sure you are actually capable of reaching him at level 15 due to quest requirements.. The combat level is a rather poor indicator of a characters actual fighting ability. For example, a player could only train melee until attack, strength, and defense were level 60. This would put said players level at around 50-60. If the same player decided to start training ranged, even though his combat level would be high, he would not be a powerfull ranger due to him having very low ranged levels, where as a player who just trains ranged and def could have 45 ranged/def/hp and be a lower level, yet have a easier time on elvarg. It would most likely be easier due to elvargs weakness to ranged attacks.

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you could try using calceums and things like that and im sorry about the spelling p.s how old are you im 10

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What are the looted items for special forces on MySpace?

The looted items are dropped randomly. The looted items just help you in fighting battles and what not. I've looked into selling them, but I don't believe you can sell them. The game designer (im guessing here, so please dont quote me on this) could have place the items to help everyone out.Alan P.tfd93274@gmail.comUpdated 8/25/2009 - BrokeUglyLoserI believe what was being asked was not so much a definition of Looted Items, but rather what item gets dropped during a specific mission (seems to be a more useful request anyway). Here they are as I received them:Central Command (Levels 1-6)Hit and Run: Magnum (4 Attack 0 Defense)Infiltrate the Compound: Python 8 Inch (2 Attack 2 Defense)Washington DC(Levels 7 - 13)Plug a Leak: Desert Eagle (3 Attack 1 Defense)Python 8 Inch (2 Attack 2 Defense)Raid a Suburban Safehouse: Uzi (4 Attack 2 Defense)Rescue an Operative: Swiss Army Knife (1 Attack 9 Defense)South America (Levels 14 - 20)Track the Transmitters: C4 (Used as a consumable item in missions "Bust Some Bunkers" and Eastern Europe's "Light's Out". No Attack/Defense Stats)Bust Some Bunkers: AK-47 (13 Attack 6 Defense)Protect the Innocent: RPG (18 Attack 4 Defense)Southeast Asia (Levels 21 - 27)Burn It Down: Night Vision Goggles (5 Attack 10 Defense)Secure a Base: Gas Mask (1 Attack 12 Defense)Eastern Europe (Levels 28 - 39)Roadblock: Night Vision Goggles (5 Attack 10 Defense) You may also get C4 on this missionPitch Black: Automated Turret (10 Attack 12 Defense)Victory Dance: Napalm (20 Attack 9 Defense)West Africa (Levels 40 - 53)Free Oppressed Locals: Local Allies (Used as a consumable in the "Incite an Uprising" mission. No Attack/Defense Stats)South Pacific (Levels 54+)Gear Up: EMP (18 Attack 14 Defense)As you can see they are not very powerful. Unfortunately, the best way to get the best set of weapons to fight with is to buy them (and incur their associated Upkeep costs). As of this posting (the 3 new levels are not available yet), the best Armory items I see at Level 127 are:Attacking -Weapon: L-85 (22 Attack 17 Defense) Cost: $1,300,000 Upkeep: -$12,500Gear: Mounted Grappling Hook (16 Attack 11 Defense) Cost: $6,500,000 Upkeep: -$53,000Vehicle: "Dark Eagle" Helicopter (23 Attack 15 Defense) Cost: $7,000,000 Upkeep: -$18,000Defensive -Weapon: Mounted .50 Cal. (18 Attack 21 Defense) Cost: $1,200,000 Upkeep: -$12,000Gear: Imaging Satellite (0 Attack 20 Defense) Cost: $10,000,000 Upkeep: -$1,000,000LESS COSTLY GEAR ALTERNATIVE = Ceramic Scale Armor (12 Attack 19 Defense) Cost: $6,750,000 Upkeep: -$75,000Vehicle: Mobile Command Center (14 Attack 23 Defense) Cost: $6,000,000 Upkeep: -$14,000

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There is multiple ways to make money at any level and there is no real 'best way', also not knowing what skill you are level 60 in i assume it is combat so i will just say the possible ways to make money using combat in a free to play world. 1. kill cows, take cowhides, sell on grand exchange usually prices around 100gp each so, kill 100 cows you make around 10k 2. kill hill giants, take big bones, sell on grand exchange usually prices around 3-400gp each so kill 100 you make 30-40k 3. kill lesser demons, these are quite hard to kill and are on karamja however you can fish on the pier located there and cook your food and keep repeating trips, these drops rune med helms and other items which can be of some value but its rare they do and it could take a few trips. 4. the giant cockroaches between barbarian village and Edgevil you will need food to make a decent trip to these since they can hit often, however they are worth the risk as they can drop, rune scimitar, rune plate, rune legs, rune kite and others. There's many more ways to make money but it would take too long to say them all and i was just naming a few combat methods for free to play in case you are not a member.

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personally, i would choose latios because he usually has a very high special attack. you could argue rayquaza, but I'll give you latios's best moves too... Dragon Claw/Dragon Pulse Luster Purge Water Pulse Thunderbolt

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