you could try using calceums and things like that and im sorry about the spelling
p.s how old are you im 10
It evolves into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, or Hitmontop at level 20. If its attack is higher than its defense, it will become Hitmonlee. If its defense is higher than its attack, then it becomes Hitmonchan. If its defense and attack are the same, its a Hitmontop.
Yes, that is allowed. You cannot, however, attack and then change to defense in the same turn.
A manaphy has more hp, defense, special attack, special defense, and speed. A Phione has just about the same attack. Obviously the manaphy is the better choice.
It evolves at level 20 if the Attack and Defense stats are the same.
It can evolve three ways: Hitmonlee (more Attack and Speed, but bad physical defense) Hitmonchan (good Attack and decent defense, lower speed) Hitmontop (Equal Attack and Defense, which are decent, lower speed) It will evolve at level 20. If its Attack is higher than its Defense, it will become Hitmonlee. If its Defense is higher than its Attack, it will become Hitmonchan. If its Defense and Attack are equal, it will become Hitmontop.
he evolves level 20. if you want a hitmonlee, make his attack higher than his defense. hitmonchan is defense higher than attack. hitmontop is attack the same as defense.
Yes, into Hitmonchan if his attack is higher than his defense, into Hitmonlee if his defence is higher than his attack, or into Hitmontop if his defense and attack are the same.
It evolves into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, or Hitmontop at level 20. If its attack is higher than its defense, it will become Hitmonlee. If its defense is higher than its attack, then it becomes Hitmonchan. If its defense and attack are the same, its a Hitmontop.
Yes, that is allowed. You cannot, however, attack and then change to defense in the same turn.
You give it items like carbos,zinc,iron,calicium.Only two of them raise attack and defense.
If the defense and attack are the same at lv 20 it will be hitmontop. If the attack is higher than defense at lv 20 it will be hitmonchan. If the defense is higher than attack at lv 20 it will be hitmolee. ps sorry it doesnt have anything to do the question here is something you can do you put it in daycare and run around till it is lv 19 then take it out and check its attack and defense and depending on its attack and defense it will be hitmonlee,hitmontop or hitmonchan.{hope i helped.
At level 20, if its attack is higher than its defense, it will be Hitmonlee. If defense is higher, Hitmonchan. If equal, Hitmontop. Use the stat boosters (like Protein I guess?) to make sure you get the one you want.
A manaphy has more hp, defense, special attack, special defense, and speed. A Phione has just about the same attack. Obviously the manaphy is the better choice.
Yes, if your on the same team.
It evolves at level 20 if the Attack and Defense stats are the same.
you can use iron or protein, but they are pretty expensive: 9800 per piece iron is for defense and protein for attack
Big Blind 52 Attack 25 Defense Royal Flush 48 Attack 25 Defense Casino Guard 48 Attack 28 Defense Viva Las Vegas 27 Attack 50 Defense High Roller 46 Attack 23 Defense Suit of Suits 46 Attack 24 Defense Jackpot 30 Attack 54 Defense