Yess she wakes up in naruto manga 488 you can see it at shizune and a medicle guy was crying she woke up shizune hug her and tsunade said that hurts they inform the 2 elders and kakashi right in the middle of kakashi being selected to be new hokage
i put to much info
Tsunade wakes up in episode 219 just when Kakashi Hatake is about to become the sixth hokage.
It could be sakura but who knows for sure. Seeing as naruto dies (but may come back to life) at the end of the shipuden movie 4 it may not be him. Personaly I can see kakashi but naruto is definitely 8th if it is. Shipuden movie's do not count,kakasi won't be the hokage because tsunade-sama will wake up ,naruto is the sixth hokage
There are 6 episodes.
she used up too much of her chakra healing ALL the survivors from Peins attack. it took everything out ov her so she went into her state of coma
the episode is Frightmare he goes in her room to wake her up
Yes he does.
Well hard to say at this point. Danzo was made the sixth but he was killed....i guess that meens kakashi would prob be the 7th hokage, making naruto the 8th, this is all observation. Danzo wasnt rly hokage very long, so if kakashi was called the 6th since danzo died like 8 episodes into him being hokage, naruto would prob be the 7th, and im guessing its likely Komahomaru would be after naruto since hes the 3rd hokage's grandson....unlikely the series will go that far though.
Dishwalla - "Until I Wake Up" this was the only song that showed up for that episode
In episode 53-54 of Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto went to the hot springs with that really perverted sensei (who wanted Konohamaru to train under him) because Kakashi-san was with Sasuke-kun. So while Naruto was training, the pervy sensei noticed Jiraiya peeping on the women's spring and he went to stop him. Jiraiya knocked him out cold, and left. Naruto noticed the pervy sensei out cold and tried to wake him up to no avail. So he spotted Jiraiya and yelled at him for doing that. Jiraiya had ZERO interest in what Naruto was saying. So he brushed him aside. But Naruto didn't let him go without a fight. Long story short, they became friends in the end. ;) Though the entire scenes were comical.
Yes, the very first episode where she trues to wake Sam up while they were sleeping on the catch
He and his Brother are Jewish, Bob said that in the second episode of "Wake Brothers"!
She rejoined the Justice League in the episode Wake the Dead.