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Harriet Beecher Stowe. She was so outraged by the Fugitive Slave Act that she wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' as a protest against it.

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Q: Whose abolitionist novel published in 1852 started the civil war?
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What abolitionist published the north star?

Frederick Douglass published The North Star, which was an abolitionist newspaper advocating for the end of slavery and promoting civil rights for African Americans. It was first published in 1847.

Who is abolitionist novel published in 1852 started this big war?

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe, published in 1852, is an abolitionist novel that depicted the harsh realities of slavery. While the novel did not directly cause the American Civil War, it heightened tensions between the North and South by exposing the cruelties of slavery and mobilizing anti-slavery sentiment.

How did Frederick doudlass become famous?

he was an educated black man who escaped to the north during the civil war. he became an abolitionist and published an autobiogaphy.

Whose yard did the civil war start in?

It started at Fort Sumter.

Who published the north star an abolitionist paper?

The North Star was an abolitionist newspaper founded by Frederick Douglass in 1847. Douglass was a prominent African American abolitionist and social reformer who used the paper to advocate for the abolition of slavery and the advancement of civil rights for African Americans.

I was a publisher whose abolitionist views were radical even in the North. I believed in civil disobedience and many abolitionists disagreed with my views about equality for women. Who am I?

William Lloyd Garrison

Was a publisher whose abolitionist views were radical even in the North. I believed in civil disobedience and many abolitionists disagreed with my views about equality for women. Who am I?

William Lloyd Garrison

Who am i I was a publisher whose abolitionist views were radical even in the north. I believed in civil disobedience and many abolitionists disagreed with my views about equality for women?

William Lloyd Garrison

How is an abolitionist important to the Civil War?

An abolitionist was important in the civil war because abolitionists wanted to abolish or get rid of slavery. And for a lot of people the war was about slavery.

When was civil disobedience published?

"Civil Disobedience" was published in 1849.

Who was a violent abolitionist during the civil war?

John Brown

How did the abolitionists lead up to the civil war?

The abolitionist did not help the war start, actually, the Civil War started because of States' Rights, Slavery, and Sectionalism/seccession. They could fall under the category of slavery but they were only a mild influence.