he was an educated black man who escaped to the north during the civil war. he became an abolitionist and published an autobiogaphy.
Frederick Douglas
Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey as this was given name, was born into slavery, in the year 1818. Latter in life after becoming married he adopted the name Frederick Douglass.
frederick douglass
Kit Carson was famous for killing Indians.
Shiloh became famous by entering singing contests.
Of course he dont have 100 kids that would just be Stupid!!!
He was famous for his speeches, and his determination to help African Americans rights, and women's rights.
the reason Frederick Jones was famous was because he invented the refrigerator
Jane Frederick is definitely awesome. She is magnificent and wonderful. Jane is an actress and loves English. She is in middle school and hopes someday to become famous and thinks that its a possibility.
What is Frederick Douglass famous for?
he is famous for playing his self
Frederick Soddy won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1921 for his work on radioactive decay and isotopes. He also proposed the concept of isotopes and their significance in understanding the behavior of elements.
A famous painter
Frederick Law Olmstead is considered to be the father of American landscape architecture. He was famous for co-designing many well known urban parks including Central Park.
Frederick McCubbin is famous for his work as an artist. He was from Australia and is considered a key artist in the country's visual arts history.
Frederick Douglass was famous for his autobiography, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave." In this book, Douglass vividly described his experiences as a slave and his path to freedom, making it a powerful and influential piece of literature that exposed the horrors of slavery.
Frederick Douglass was a famous abolitionist publisher and activist on the Underground Railroad.