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There are no cities in Antarctica.

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Q: What is the most famous city in Antarctica?
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Who was the most famous Eskimo in Antarctica?

There are no Eskimos in Antarctica only in the Arctic.

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Are there any famous singers in Antarctica?

There are currently no famous singers in Antarctica. One of Antarctica's most famous explorers is Sir Edmund Hillary who is also known as the first man to summit Mt. Everest.

What is a famous mountain in Antarctica?

Vinson Massif, which is the continent's highest peak, and Mount Erebus, which is the southern-most active volcano are both famous mountains in Antarctica.

What are the most famous sites in Antarctica?

You could be thinking of the South Pole.

Are there volclanoes in Antarctica?

Yes, the most famous being Mount Erebus.

Which city was the largest on Antarctica?

There is no city -- nor has there ever been a city -- in Antarctica.

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The Southern most city in the world is Ushuaia, located in South America on the continent of Antarctica.

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France's most famous city is Paris! Unless you dont like scenery... Paris