the bright green blades of grass stand erect like soldier's on a battle field
The grass is as green as an ocean
(some oceans is green)
A simile for the feeling of squishy grass could be.... "the sponge was as squishy as wet grass". I don't reallly know.
No, it's a metaphor, with a more exotic sense than a simile. "She wanted to be like a blade of grass amid the fields" is a simile.
Her eyes were as green as grass. "as green as grass" is the simile.
As green as fresh grass in spring.
A Homeric simile is a long and poetic simile. An example of a Homeric simile is: She gently touched the carpet, as a butterfly delicately swoops its wings against the dew covered grass in the morning, before it takes off into the sky.
The lone daisy on the lawn nodded like royalty greeting the freshly. Mown grass surrounding it.
Psalms 103 15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. 16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.
"As green as grass" "As green as a four-leaved-clover" "As green as a dollar bill" "As green as an emerald"
A simile.
A complimentary simile example would be 'he's as fit as as a fiddle' (athletic). A critical simile example would be 'he's a snake in the grass' (can't be trusted). It appears that more similes in general are critical than complimentary.
The air smelt as fresh as newly mown grass.