A Homeric simile is a long and poetic simile. An example of a Homeric simile is: She gently touched the carpet, as a butterfly delicately swoops its wings against the dew covered grass in the morning, before it takes off into the sky.
Simile same.
An example of a simile is, 'The girl was slow as molasses.'
simile It is an example of a simile (uses like or as). A simile in itself though is a type of metaphor.
A simile.
An example of a simile in Paul Revere's ride is "Like a torch in the night."
simile is a comparison of 2 objects using like and as. example: You're as dumb as a bag of rocks
it can be sometimes. for example, 'she was a brave as a lion'. a lion is a noun. but it also doesn't have to be. for example, 'she was like a dream'. a dream isn't real.
Ana is as slow as molasses in the morning. What does this figurative language mean?
A simile A simile is a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another.
No. A simile compares one thing to another. Therefore no one word by itself can be a simile and so the word "as" is not a simile. However the word "as" often forms part of a simile, for example: "he is as brave as a lion".
No, this is an example of a simile. It is comparing your level of hunger to that of a bear using "as" to draw the comparison.