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A Homeric simile is a long and poetic simile. An example of a Homeric simile is: She gently touched the carpet, as a butterfly delicately swoops its wings against the dew covered grass in the morning, before it takes off into the sky.

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12y ago

A simile is a sentance that describes something

eg. The simile was as long as a rats tail.

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What are 4 example of simile?

Simile same.

What are the example or simile?

An example of a simile is, 'The girl was slow as molasses.'

What is the simile in A red red rose?

simile It is an example of a simile (uses like or as). A simile in itself though is a type of metaphor.

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What foam brightens like the dogwood now is an example of?

A simile.

One example of simile?

simile is a comparison of 2 objects using like and as. example: You're as dumb as a bag of rocks

What is an example of a simile in Paul Revere's ride?

An example of a simile in Paul Revere's ride is "Like a torch in the night."

Is simile a noun?

it can be sometimes. for example, 'she was a brave as a lion'. a lion is a noun. but it also doesn't have to be. for example, 'she was like a dream'. a dream isn't real.

Slow as molasses is an example of what type of figure of speech?

Ana is as slow as molasses in the morning. What does this figurative language mean?

Frightened as a rabbit is an example of?

A simile A simile is a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another.

Is the word AS a simile?

No. A simile compares one thing to another. Therefore no one word by itself can be a simile and so the word "as" is not a simile. However the word "as" often forms part of a simile, for example: "he is as brave as a lion".

Is this a metaphor I'm as hungry as a bear?

No, this is an example of a simile. It is comparing your level of hunger to that of a bear using "as" to draw the comparison.