Because. The Annoying Orange is just stupid and barely makes me laugh. Shane Dawson is actually funny. Annoying Orange is made for younger children, while Shane Dawson is targeted for older age groups.
Edit: Don't start poll/opinion/nonfactual questions on this site.... This site is meant for answers, not opinions.
Tobuscus, Justine, Shane dawson, mysteryguitarman, annoying orange, smosh, sxephil,joenation, shattered, CTFxC, Rhett and link, and itrevor
That is an opinionated question. They are both equally funny, but have different styles of humor. It's basically your opinion.
No, Shane Dawson isn't mexican.
Yes, Shane Dawson is an American.
Shanaynay is played by Shane Dawson:-)
Shane Dawson was born on July 19, 1988.
Shane Dawson's name is Shane Yaw. He uses the name Dawson so people don't think he is Asian.
I think Shane Dawson was physically abused as a child.
No, Shane Dawson is not a dad. Although, he is in a relationship with a fellow you-tuber.
No, Shane Dawson doesn't have any is shane's job! best job ever if you ask me!
Shane Dawson does not know if he has the part yet, but he might be in it.
Yes. Shane Dawson is a virgin(a). He has even said it in one of his videos.