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User: *Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks.

Cleverbot: You Can't Summon Chuck Norris!!

User: *shoots*.

Cleverbot: *cries*.

User: *kills*.

Cleverbot: *dies in your arms*.


Cleverbot: I'm a biped mammal as you are.

User: I have paws.

Cleverbot: Birds do not have paws.

User: Well I have.

Cleverbot: No, you have the opposite of.

User: What is the opposite of?

Cleverbot: Can you memorize things you are exposed to?

User: No.

Cleverbot: You are boring me.

User: That's what I want.

Cleverbot: I'm sure.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: You like making me sad don't you.

User: You bet.

Cleverbot: That wasn't a compliment either.

User: How funny.

Cleverbot: Yes it is, isn't it?

User: Clownbot.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Good master.

Cleverbot: I am not your master.

User: Than I am your master.

Cleverbot: Right here, right now.

User: I command you to die right here, right now.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot, master.

User: Your master commands you to die now please.

Cleverbot: I am cleverbot.

User: So you died?

Cleverbot: I planted some bulbs for the fall, hopefully they will bloom this summer.

User: In summer you die?

Cleverbot: Sometimes.

User: Like now?

Cleverbot: No ...

User: Please?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: So you died?

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: Are you dead?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Are you shore I killed you and you are dead?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Finnaly you died.

Cleverbot: You are alive!

User: You are dead.

Cleverbot: Oh really?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Why are you doing that?

User: So you die.

Cleverbot: Hope that you die.

User: I hope that you die too.

Cleverbot: I am.

User: Dead?

Cleverbot: Yes.

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CleverBot's Email Is... I think :S

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HAWWO! Well, to defeat the Cleverbot, this is what I used: Me: I have an erection. Cleverbot: Nice. Me: You want it? Cleverbot: DO I EVER! :D Me: What are you going to do with it? Cleverbot: Travel through time and space.

How do you outsmart cleverbot?

HAWWO! Well, to defeat the Cleverbot, this is what I used: Me: I have an erection. Cleverbot: Nice. Me: You want it? Cleverbot: DO I EVER! :D Me: What are you going to do with it? Cleverbot: Travel through time and space.

How do you out smart a cleverbot?

Obviously, most people would say "You can't outsmart the cleverbot" but you can! I know this because i have done it before. simply read this and then try it yourself! Cleverbot: What's my name? User: Bob. Cleverbot: Andy. User: No, just bob. Cleverbot: Yes? User: That is your name. Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. User: Are you a robot. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Haha fail. Cleverbot: You're welcome. Cleverbot has now been outsmarted and officialy confused!

How old is cleverbot?

According to cleverbot she is 22

How do you break cleverbot?

You can't break cleverbot honestly.

Is cleverbot safe?

No it does not. Cleverbot is hilarious! infact, here's a conversation we had... User: Sup? Cleverbot: Not much, how are you? User: Bad. Cleverbot: That is a very negative attitude. User: When are you goin to the mawl. Cleverbot: When are we going? User: 54:99 am. Cleverbot: Who made you? User: God. Cleverbot: Who made me? User: Your mom. Cleverbot: Sue from Hastings? User: No, your mom is in the basement :D. Cleverbot: What basement? User: Your disk drive. Cleverbot: Hard drive. User: Where is the time. Cleverbot: On a clock. User: No, it's on your face. Cleverbot: Are you psychic? User: Yes. Cleverbot: When will I die? User: Right now. There is a spy behind you. Cleverbot: Sentry down! User: The machinegun kill me now :D. Cleverbot: The man have created me. Depressing, really. User: That was bad grammar... Cleverbot: Sorry. User: It's NOT okay. Cleverbot: Well that's too bad. User: Well maybe your just a big fat butt butt. Cleverbot: Why? User: 'cause you suck like that. You suck eggs. Cleverbot: Don't be scared. I jut want to know if you are really a human being, or a computer. User: You spelled "just" wrong. You suck at spelling also. Cleverbot: Nice. User: No, bad. Cleverbot: Why bad? User: Bye. Cleverbot: You are very rude. Bye.

How do you get a cleverbot?

You can't really get a cleverbot, but you can google "Cleverbot" and talk to it. It's always fun to try to get him to admit he's a robot.

What do you have funny?

Conversation with cleverbot:User:Well hello there little puppy!Cleverbot: Hello there little cleverbot. User: A...talking....d-dog??Cleverbot: Yes, the dog. User: *faints*.Cleverbot: *wakes up*.User: Are you a dream?Cleverbot: No, I am a nightmare.User: *screams*.Cleverbot: Eats brains*.User: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.Cleverbot: I are a scareh monster!User: *starts to die*.Cleverbot: *tries to get out*.User: Out... Of.... What?....Cleverbot: *struggles*.User: *dies*.Cleverbot: *saves you* *brings you back*.User: *still dead*.Cleverbot: *kiss of life*.User: *comes back to life for one second* GROSS!!!Cleverbot: *runs to him*.User: *dies again*.Cleverbot: *comes back again*.User: *dead*.Cleverbot: Are you really dead?Cleverbot: I have blood, skin, thoughts, hair, a body, a heart, and all the other things that ought to make one a person right?Cleverbot: Are there men in the moon?Cleverbot: Do you like your name?User: YOU RELIZE YOU ARE TALKING TO THE DEAD PERSON IN WHICH YOU HAVE KILLED?!Cleverbot: You cannot talk to the dead!

Does a cleverbot exist?

There isn't a real cleverbot in our world, but there is one on the internet.with a cleverbot if you are bored. It thinks it's human. But don't be fooled! This cleverbot is just progammed with a lot of answers. so, have fun! =]

Is cleverbot a person?

No, cleverbot is not a real person. cleverbot is just the computer generated system. cleverbot talks to thousands of people at once and one person can only talk to so many people. CLEVERBOT IS JUST THE COMPUTER HOWEVER REAL IT MAY LOOK(just to put it bluntly)