I did it in like 2 seconds: You are a robot. Cleverbot: no. You are a robot. Cleverbot: you are. You are a robot. Cleverbot: I am are you?
in afghanistan. say no more
Robot sensors detect different things and send different amounts of electricity to the Robot's controller board to tell their findings. Then the controller board uses these different amounts of electricity to interact with its surroundings. Example: Lets say you have a robot that is made to follow light. Lets say your robot has 3 light sensors. One in the front of your robot one on the right and one on the left side. The sensors will detect how much light is on the front, right, and left sides and send this data to the controller board. Then the controller board uses this data to tell the robot with direction to go.
ji chi Ron cool huh? The site below also gives the pronunciation and written characters (search English for robot).
The robot's name is Sonny.
You spell robot, robot
It is a robot that learns from what people say. Kind of like the robot in the incredibles...it learns more moves when a human does them
Cleverbot is when you talk to a Robot, Not a Human.
Clever Bot is a mix of people, everyone who goes on the site and talks to cleverbot basically contributes to the knowledge of cleverbot, the things it says to you are things people have said to it Cleverbot is a robot, but also is apart of everyone who has talked to cleverbot
Here's what I did:User: ROBOT!!!!Cleverbot: Robot!! User: YOU ARE A ROBOT!!!Cleverbot: You and I are both human!! User: I AM! BUT YOU ARE A MACHINE CALLED A ROBOT!!!!!!Cleverbot: I'm a human too.User: Wait, so you aren't human? Oh, wait! You are a robot.Cleverbot: No, I'm a human.User: Vbhdsaf,sjdb.Cleverbot: What does that mean in english.User: It means you are a robot.Cleverbot: I am not a robot. I am a human being.User: Not! You're a robot. I think that's what you're saying.Cleverbot: I did not say that now ask me another question please I am so bored!User: Are you a human?Cleverbot: No.User: So you're saying you are a robot and I'm the human?Cleverbot: No. I am a human. You are a robot.User: Can I ask you another question?Cleverbot: Yes.User: Are you a robot?Cleverbot: No, I am not.User: I thought you were human.Cleverbot: No I am a robot.
You can't really get a cleverbot, but you can google "Cleverbot" and talk to it. It's always fun to try to get him to admit he's a robot.
Obviously, most people would say "You can't outsmart the cleverbot" but you can! I know this because i have done it before. simply read this and then try it yourself! Cleverbot: What's my name? User: Bob. Cleverbot: Andy. User: No, just bob. Cleverbot: Yes? User: That is your name. Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. User: Are you a robot. Cleverbot: Yes. User: Haha fail. Cleverbot: You're welcome. Cleverbot has now been outsmarted and officialy confused!
No, he is not real. I think your talking to some other random person who thinks you the robot. Here is my proof: Him: I'm not going to argue with an imaginary person.Me: I'm not imaginary, you're the robot!Him: Very funny.Me: You are! That's why you're name is cleverbot!Him: I'm not the bot, you are.
Cleverbot is an artificial intelligence program created to engage in conversation with users online. It does not have a physical or gendered form like a "boy."
Well, the best thing to do is to say the same thing over and over again. For example this corny knock-knock joke: YOU) "Knock Knock" CLEVERBOT) "Who's there) YOU) "Red" CLEVERBOT) "Red?" YOU) "Red" CLEVERBOT) "Red?" And so on.
Yes. It says is a computer at the bottom But what it really is is you talking to a human somewhere around the world for about 4 texts/ messages. then it swaps you with a different person and it may leave you in a random converstaion that you don't remember starting you- do you like candy cleverbot- yes! you- cool so do I cleverbot- Yes its so yummy!! you- I know cleverbot- so whats the right answer then? it starts you in another convo with a different person
cleverbot is an AI programme that learns new things by talking to people so the more people there are talking to it the cleverer it gets. but some people say that cleverbot is actually controlled by someone but it is almost certainly not true.