Approximately 70% of the world's freshwater is used for farming, primarily for irrigation to grow crops. This makes agriculture the largest consumer of freshwater globally.
There was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops Slaves in Virginia were better off than slaves in the Caribbean because there was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops. Therefore, the slaves had more to eat.
One characteristic of a society that practices subsistence agriculture is that they primarily grow crops and raise animals to meet their own basic needs for food and survival rather than for commercial purposes.
Enslaved Africans were important to farmers because they provided cheap labor for plantation work, such as planting and harvesting crops like cotton, tobacco, and sugar. Their forced labor contributed to the profitability of large agricultural operations in the Americas.
Subsistence farming is when a small plot of land is farmed and enough food is grown to support a family and their animals, it is not grown to be profitable. A plantation consists of many acres and the crops grown on the plantation. The crops are sold for a profit. They keep back what they need for their family and in the South when they had slaves they kept back food for them and the animals.
you suppose to answer it not leave it blank anyways the answer is heating of earths surface
The permafrost is too close to the surface and the growing season is much too short for crops to grow in the Arctic.
Most of them have trees and plants all over the surface of them. Some people grow farms and crops on them. Some people even live on the surface.
She did not use weapons, she minded the harvest. The power of starvation; she had control of crops, didn't she? ................................................................................................ Demeter was the goddess of harvest. her power was to make ferility in earths crops and make any living thing grow. tht was her responsibilty. when Demeter was depressed she would cut off crops and starve people for weeks. She needed no weapon - she made the crops grow.
seeds of a fruit or vegetable grow crops
Because it was the only way they could survive in such a harsh environment. Eskimos cannot grow plants or produce crops in an area where the permafrost is only a few inches from the surface, and the window for growing such crops is much too narrow for the crops to even grow or survive.
To grow crops you need sun and water over time the crops will grow. Don't give the crops too much water or sunlight or it will overflow.....
Demeter was the goddess of harvest. her power was to make ferility in earths crops and make any living thing grow. that was her responsibilty. when Demeter was depressed she would cut off crops and let the people sturve
we grow crops for cows,goats etc...