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10 because 1 in 10 people are left handed

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10mo ago

Approximately 10% of the population is left-handed, so in a group of 100 people, you can expect around 10 to be left-handed.

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400 people found that 66 were left-handed What percent are left-handed?

66 divided by 400 gives you the fraction of people who are left handed. Multiply by 100 to get your answer.

Can left handed people live to 100?

Bears no difference in longevity.

What are the odds of a left-handed person meeting another left-handed person?

There are plenty of left handed people, so if you are left handed you'll probably meet another left handed person at some point. Approximately 10% of the population of the United States is left-handed. That means that of every encounter between two people, one in ten will include at least on left-handed person. To find out how many will be between two left-handed people, you multiply 10% by 10%, you get 1%, or one in 100, so the odds of a left-handed person meeting another left-handed person are 1 in 100. Your question doesn't specify "meeting for the first time"; encountering someone you already know changes things a little, since left-handedness can run in families. Also, those odds don't include meetings with more than two people, or research into facts such as there being left-handed conventions, or left-handed baseball pitchers tending to know one another. That's probably not a big deal, though, and there may be sports or occupations that favor right-handers, which balance things out.

What is the ratio of right handed to left handed people in the US?

I'm not 100% sure about this, but I have been doing a report on asymmetries betweent the right and left hands and the differences in these asymmetries between right- and left-handers, and from the information I have come across the 1 to 9 ratio seems to be pretty well accepted. (10% left-handed / 90% right-handed). Please correct me if you have more specific or up to date info. I believe ur right about that and of that 10%, 70% are males and 30% are females which means that 90% of the world is right-handed and 10% is left, 7% of the world is left-handed males and 3% is left-handed females. I believe you may be wrong because if 10% of people are left handed then 90% of people are right handed then how many people are ambidextrious? ^The amount of ambidextrous people is assumed to be negligible in this case.

How many people are right handed in the world?

Approximately 12%So 12% of 7,000,000,000 (approx)7,000,000,000/100 = 70,000,00070,000,000 x 12= 840,000,000 left handers (less than the population of 2 of the world's countries- so not a lot really)

How much of the worlds population is ambidextrous?

At 7:52 am March 31, 2010. There was 6,997,426,800 people in the world. 10% of people are left handed. 10% of 6 billion is, 699,742,680! That many people are left handed, which is an estimate. Left handed people are few. There are about 1 in 10 lefties (10%) and some of those are ambidextrous (able to use both hands). Also, some of those 10% only use their left hand for writing, so they aren't 100% left handed.

What was Bo Kimble's left handed free throw percentage?


What percent of serial killers are left handed?

It is estimated that about 10% of the general population is left-handed. However, there is no conclusive data on the percentage of left-handed serial killers specifically due to the complex and rare nature of criminal behavior.

What is the value of Salvage 270 left handed rifle?

100-300 USD

How many southpaw catchers have there been in the majors?

There have been 5 left handed catchers that have played 100 or more games in MLB history and about 25 other lefties that have played at least one game at the catcher position. Click on the 'Left Handed Catchers' link on this page to see a list of those players who have played catcher and been left handed.

What is the value of a left handed Sako AV 300 WM?

100-1000 USD depending on specifics

How many narwhals is there in the world?

there r 100 left people we need to save them