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You can sum up both things in one word: Knowledge.

Knowledge can either be good or bad, because there are some things that you would prefer to ignore, "ignorance is blessing". However, science has given men and nature more benefits than negative effects.

*Negative Effects:



-Animal Suffering (in animal testing)

-Biological weapons

-Genetically altered foods

*Positive Effects:

-Cures to unknown diseases

-Better quality foods

-Better manufacturing processes

-Better understanding of the world

-Better communication (internet, fiber optics, etc)

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13y ago
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15y ago

An increase in dangers, such as pollution, and deadlier weaponry. Also, it makes some people become smarter and others dumber, compared to the average person before the age of technology. The increasing dumbness of some is yet another danger-in example:you don't know the difference between "effects" and "affect"-something our society today is completely okay with.(((cause and effect VS. how something affects you http:/ )))

The use of cell phones while driving has cause so many car accidents. You will be surprised how many people have text messaging conversations while driving. Using technology can be good, if people use it in the right way, at the appropriate time.

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13y ago

There isn't any. Technology has help our world more then we can believe.

Another AnswerWhile I would completely agree with the above response, I would also like to point out that anything can be misused.

Lasers can be used for eye surgery, to correct defects in the lens, or lasers can be used as a weapon to harm people.

Automation can be used to improve manufacturing processes and to isolate people from potentially harmful procedures which are better performed by machines, or automation can be used to destroy jobs or to remove the human from essential decision making processes.

... just to name two examples.

Another Answer

Not only that, technology also had some negative effects such as addiction to it.

iPod, cellphone or other electronic devises can cause a serious addiction and even make the person stay up late just to use it.

Also, we are becoming too dependant on technology, so sometimes we can't do anything with out them, because we forgot to do things without these devices.

Automobiles also causes a big environment problems.

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13y ago

The positive effect is that it accelerates what one person can do.(like a car =]) The negative effect is that that's not always a good thing and can sometimes hurt society. With tech you can make one person do the work of 100's or 1000's but that could also put 100's or 1000's out of a job. With tech, you can protect yourself by encrypting all your transmissions, however it makes it that much easier for someone to protect truly harmful transmissions like child p orn or criminal activity. Overall, and in a modern sense, tech decentralizes the power and control over the media and distributes it to regular people creating a more democratic society. In the same way, it destabilizes society by challenging the authority of institutions within that society who need to centralize power to maintain that control that does provide stability. However, the emergence of tech will show that old institutions are no longer needed. Think, CNN/major music labels being laid waste in the wake of blogging and file sharing. Hope that helps.

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10y ago

Positive effects: The invention of medicines and therapies to treat previously-incurable diseases. Efficiency in transportation (public transport, high-fuel economy cars) and communication (fiber optics, wireless communication). Preservation of rare species, some of which synthesize important compounds to the field of medicine and cancer research. Understanding the human mind in order to explain its predilections and quirks, and perhaps facilitating education in youth.

Negative effects: Doing science will cause tooth decay and male-pattern balding at an early age. I jest; there are none I can think of that could possibly form the basis of a remotely rational argument against the advancement of science. Keep researching, my brethren!

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14y ago

Information technology will speed up everything. The only negative of it when people become so dependent to it that it can not move with it.

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12y ago

The positive effects are personal properties. The negative effects are pollution and global warming.

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One may use the internet to locate a wealth of information with which to answer an essay question that may have been assigned at school/university.

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okayyyy do yk

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