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ative effects of high level technology in family life

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Q: What are the negative and positive effect of a high level technology?
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What is voltage level for a negative logic system?

could be negative or positive"negative logic" just means, that the level used by "positive logic" within that logic family for False, is instead used for "True" and vice versa.

Difference between positive edge trigger and negative edge trigger for flipflop?

A: it does not apply to only flip-flop but to all kinds of logic circuits where a [+] transition from a less negative to a more positive level occurs [-] and the other way around meaning a +/- transition must occurs to transfer states.

What is voltage level of RS-232?

RS-232 is ±3 to ±15, with a maximum short circuit survivability rating of ±25. Typical implementations see ±12. The negative voltage is the marking state, or the one state at the USART level. The positive voltage is the spacing state, or the zero state at the USART level. In terms of control signals, such at DTR or CTS, MARK (negative) is false, and SPACE (positive) is true. Zero volts is invalid, representing a break state.

How does the positive clamper works in electronic circuits?

A negative clamper circuit is considered. It shifts original input signal in a downward direction.While positive input is applied, diode is forward biased. The output voltage is Vo which is equal barrier potential of the diode. The capacitor is charged to V-Vo.When negative input cycle, diode does not conduct because it is reverse biased and the capacitor can not discharge very much because time constant (RC) choosen is high. Now output is sum of input voltage and capacitor voltage and it is equal to -(2V - Vo). Now peak to peak output voltage is difference of output voltages when positive and negative half cycles and it is equal to V-(-(2V - Vo)) or 2V.In negative clamper, input signal is pushed downward and positive peak of the output signal coincides with zero level.In positive clamper circuit, unlike in negative clamper circuit, diode is connected reversely.There is no change in connection of capacitor. But resistor is connected after diode. Positive clamping circuit shifts a input signal in upward direction. The output of this circuit shows that negative peak of signal coincides with zero level.

What is the effect of a strong low level inversion?

it promotes vertical windshear

Related questions

Is altitude negative or positive?

Yes, that is correct. Altitude above sea level, for example, is negative or positive - if you are below sea level, a negative number will be used.

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Is it positive number or negative number above sea level?

A positive number indicates a measurement above sea level, while a negative number indicates a measurement below sea level.

Positive and negative role of ozoned negative role of ozone?

Ozone has a positive role in the stratosphere. It also have a negative role in ground level.

Where could you find negative numbers?

If an altitude above sea level is positive, then an altitude below sea level is negative.If having money is positive, having a debt is negative.If gaining money is positive, losing money is negative (a negative gain).If an increase in speed is a positive acceleration, a decrease in speed is a negative acceleration.Any other similar case, where you define one thing as positive, and its opposite as negative.

What is voltage level for a negative logic system?

could be negative or positive"negative logic" just means, that the level used by "positive logic" within that logic family for False, is instead used for "True" and vice versa.

Example of how negative nuberss are used in the real world?

For example, an altitude above sea-level can be expressed as a positive number; below sea-level is negative.Or: If you have money, you have a positive amount of money; if you owe money, that goes against you, you have "less than nothing", so it can be expressed as a negative amount.In technology and science - would you classify that as "real-world"? - negative numbers are used all the time. For example, if you decide that moving in a certain direction (e.g., "up") is positive, a movement in the opposite direction is negative.

When you are standing at sea level what are you closer to?

The Earth's core

What is the difference between a negative the altitude and a positive altitude?

Altitude describes an object's position relative to sea level. An object in a position higher than sea level would have a positive altitude, sea level would have an altitude of zero, and any object below sea level would have a negative altitude.

What are 10 real life situations do we use negative numbers?

Negative numbers are often used when there are opposites; in this case, one of the opposites is assigned positive numbers, the other, negative numbers. For example, you might:* Use positive numbers for positions above sea level, and negative for below sea level. * Use positive numbers for money you have in your bank account; negative numbers for money you owe others. * Use positive numbers for northern latitudes, and negative numbers for southern latitudes. Or vice versa. * There are lots of other situations where opposites are involved, but you probably get the idea.

Why should you develop a positive outlook in life?

It will help you focus and keep things on a positive level without any negative interference in life.

Where does the electricity come out of a battery?

The electricity flows out the negative terminal, through the work load, and back into the positive terminal. It consists of negative electrons. In the early days of electrical experimenting, the scientists had to guess as to whether the electric flow was positive particles or negative particles. They had no way to test. They guessed positive. They were wrong. So we have inherited a definition of current as positive fluid going from positive terminal (outside the battery now) to negative terminal. We have stayed with that convention even though we know better today. It makes no difference at the circuit level. Positive particles flowing rightward has the same effect as negative particles flowing leftward. Of course, if you are designing batteries, you will want to know what flows which way.