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We can't realize the presence of the soul in our body after we die. So try to understand and realize before that.

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Q: What is soul Is it true?
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What is not true from the movie soul surfer?

Nothing, It's all true.

Where is your soul before your born?

Nowhere there is no such thing as a soul. that is just not true, Jesus confirmed the soul. Even Socrates and Aristotle believe that the soul was present.

Marx soul in Kirby?

yes. after you beat marx in the true arena, his soul comes out and you have to fight him.

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Is soul sufer a true story?

yes. soul surfed is a true story on how a girl got her arm bitten off by a shark and they became a professional surfer

Does taking a picture take your soul?

No. Never. Never believe that is true. It's not true. Whoever told you that is lying. There is no possible thing on Earth that could take your soul.

Does Lapu-lapu is a true Filipino?

Yes, in body and in soul.

Is it true that trees are the heart and soul of the city?

there ARE no trees in the city -.-'

How true is it that the soul goes into a newborn after a death?

It is true that a Soul must be in a newborn after death. But we must realize that we don't have a Soul, we are the Soul. When does the Soul go into a newborn after death? We don't ask questions. We think it is on our birthday when we are born. But we know that the power of the Soul is alive when the baby is kicking in the mother's womb. In fact the power of the Soul comes alive, nine months before when two cells become one, the zygote. But that Soul power makes that one cell become an embryo, our organs grow and the Soul gives power to us. We think of a Soul being a product that moves from body to body. The reality is we are that Soul, and we are covered by different layers. We have to overcome this ignorance to discover the Soul within.

Is it true that every time you take a picture its taking away part of your soul?

Yes, it's true.

Is the correct expression the eyes are the mirror of the soul or the eyes are the window to the soul?

The correct expression is "the eyes are the window to the soul." This means that a person's eyes can reveal their true feelings, emotions, and intentions.

Where does true beauty lies?

In the soul. Physical beauty diminishes with age and is, therefore, not eternal. To Socrates, only that which is eternal is true. Souls are eternal and, so, for a person to be truly beautiful, it's their soul that must be beautiful.