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Q: James Brown combined several musical elements to create soul music?
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How old was Bettye Lavette when she made her first recording?

Bettye LaVette is an American singer born in 1946 who combined elements of numerous musical genres to create a unique musical style. She recorded her first album at the age of 16.

How did nuclear fussion in stars help create the elements?

Light elements combined to form the heavier elements.

What are combined elements?

Combined elements refer to two or more substances or components that have been physically or chemically mixed together to create a new compound or mixture. These combined elements can exhibit properties different from those of the individual elements.

What is the definition of combined elements?

Combined elements refer to the merging or mixing of different components, materials, or substances to create a new entity or compound. This can result in a synergistic effect where the combined elements exhibit characteristics or properties that are different from the individual elements on their own.

What are elements used to create?

Elements are combined into molecules, which, when combined in big groups, make up the things that are around us. Ex: H = Hydrogen, 0 = Oxygen, H₂O = Water

What is the end product of these two elements sodium and chlorine?

When combined, they create sodium chloride (table salt).

Is salt a property because it is made from elements combined chemically?

The phases of matter are its physical properties. Salt is made of of elements that have combined chemically. They are sodium and chlorine, that combine to create the compound which is known as table sale.

What is a voice in a composition?

In music composition, a voice refers to an individual melodic line or musical part that can be sung or played by an instrument. Voices can be combined to create harmony and texture in a musical piece.

Can compounds be physically separated?

it depends on wht compound it its

What are two or more elements combined chemically called?

When two or more elements are combined chemically, they form a compound. This involves the elements bonding together through chemical reactions to create a new substance with its own unique properties.

What 2 elements combined create water?

Water is H2O, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atoms.

The technique used to create form that changes something already heard is?
