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Muslims are not supposed to draw pictures of people or of animals.

From the lighter side; They can draw a crowd, or a bath!


They can draw from the nature: trees, sky, grass, rivers, water falls, homes, plants,... , Quran verses, good quotes, ... They can draw people and animals as in caricatures.

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14y ago

NO and to try that or think of it is considered an insult to Allah(swt) and is considered a blasphemy to draw the almighty who has power over all things

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Generally speaking, no.

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Q: What can a Muslim draw?
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Anyone can draw in the anime style, doesn't matter if you're Muslim, or if you aren't.

What can a Muslim draw.Can anyone give you interesting suggestions?

A Muslim can draw anything they wish to. If the person has the talent, they can draw anything they desire. Interresting suggestions would be live models, drawings of intricate buildings or jewlery.

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i think the answer is they like to paint or draw......thank you.......bye

Why don't Muslim draw people or animals?

Some scholars say that it is haram to draw objects with a soul, i.e humans or animals, other scholars say we can draw only parts e.g face, hands... but to be on the safe side its better not to draw at all.

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That the love to be with other people with the same sex! ;)

How do you draw the Muslims symbol?

There is no Muslim symbol per religion. Refer to question below for more information.

Is it haram to draw faces?

Well, it depends. If it is Allah- Subanatallla, then yes. A true Muslim cannot draw faces of prophets, but if its a friend or family member, its okay. Allah will understand, and you shall NOT be punished.

Can you draw Allah as an animal?

Nope. To a strict Muslim, even a drawing of an animal per se is forbidden, as someone might begin to revere it.

What are some Muslim pratices?

some practices of Islamic is you have to pray five times a day and you have to perform duties to draw close to god________________________________________________Main Muslim practices are:Performing the required ritual worshipsDoing good deedsPracticing good moralsRefer to related questions below

Why do Muslims get so butthurt about drawing Muhammad?

In Islam there is a prohibition against images of animate beings. This has been loosely interpreted in the Muslim world, but a tradition that developed early on was that if you are going to draw/paint any kind of religious scene, you must not show the face of Muhammad or the Angel Gabriel, out of respect for them (and because it is forbidden to draw pictures of animate beings in the first place!). This has become extremely embedded in Muslim culture, so much so that if a Muslim sees a drawing of Muhammad, that shows his face, he is instantly agitated.

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yess she is a Muslim

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of course he is a Muslim