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Q: Can't install GTA san Andreas game how solve this problem?
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you need to dowlaod it from somewhere and install it. you cant get it without mods

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ummm just an idea but maybe you should download java first....

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You will need these in order to install your game. If you cant find them contact EA and explain that you have lost them and they can help you out. I cant guarantee they still have help for The Sims 1 as it is quite old now but that is the best way to solve the problem, email or phone them and ask.

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you cant

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the problem is he cant climb the rope and he help him bye teaching and practising every weekend

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It cant..The way this System is built you will always have Winners and Losers.

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i think its about you cant just solve a problem in one night it takes time and thinking.

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no you cant, but you can barf

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you cant but you can get Chinatown wars

How do you get hummer in gta San Andreas ps2?

No! You cant!