Most boys take their shirts off when they're about to go swimming or if it's very hot outside. I hang out shirtless with my friends all the time.
Neatness is not determined by gender. It varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as upbringing, personal habits, and individual preferences. Both girls and boys can be neat or messy depending on their individual traits.
No, Victorian boys and girls did not learn the same subjects. Boys were typically taught subjects like Latin, mathematics, and science, while girls were often taught skills like needlework, music, and basic arithmetic. Education was not seen as important for girls in the same way it was for boys during the Victorian era.
Yes, some boys in the 1950s did fantasize about gangs due to the popularity of movies and TV shows that romanticized gang culture. However, it's important to note that these images were often exaggerated and not a true reflection of gang life at the time.
In 2009, the global population was roughly equal in terms of the number of boys and girls. On average, there is a slightly higher number of boys born worldwide compared to girls, but the difference is not significant enough to declare one gender as being more numerous than the other in 2009.
Boys do have feelings just like girls do. It is a harmful stereotype to suggest otherwise. Boys may express their feelings differently due to societal expectations or personal experiences, but it is important to validate and support their emotional well-being.
Its weird
The closest you can come to making your Poptropican shirtless is to: (Girls) Buy the Mythology surfer costume and costumize the upper half,which is like a bikini top (bra). (Boys) The Mythology surfer costume makes your Poptropican completely shirtless.
When i am at home I am shirtless all the time it is more comfortable and some times I just walk around in boxers my family dose not care I even go in in my front yard shirtless and I am only 13. Go shirtless it's more comfortable for guys.
because is somethings natural
Boys can become shirtless (almost) using the characters costumes on Nabooti Island or the Aztec period on Time Tangled island. The only way for girls is to "go furry" on Mythology Island and costumize as the Minotaur!
there is pick's of him shirtless
If you're a guy it's fine if you want to exercise shirtless. I'm a teen and I exercise shirtless all the time.
Jonathan Brandis did pose shirtless.
The cast of Chronicles of a Shirtless Vampire - 2011 includes: Struan Sutherland as Shirtless Vampire
Google Nick Jonas Shirtless on Google Images. You can see all of them shirtless!! It's soooo hot!!
Well, isn't that a fun question! Boys, just like anyone else, can choose to sleep however they feel most comfortable. Whether they prefer to sleep shirtless or not is entirely up to them and what makes them feel cozy and relaxed. It's important to respect everyone's choices and let them be themselves.
U can only get a shirtless sim IF hes a boy. To have him shirtless, go to clothing, then click swim-wear or sleep-wear. Find an option that has blank skin. There's ur shirtless sim! (U can have a shirtless girl sim if u count having a bra as no shirt.)