Centripetal forces-Forces that unite and bind a country together-such as a strong national culture, shared ideological objectives, and a common faith.
Taken from Regions 13th Ed ISBN- 978-0-470-12905-0
The six components of a nation-state are population, territory, government, sovereignty, organization, and recognition. These elements come together to define a nation-state as a political entity recognized as a sovereign country.
This is known as a nation-state. In a nation-state, the political boundaries of the state align with the cultural or ethnic boundaries of the nation.
A state is a political entity with defined borders and a government, while a nation refers to a group of people who share common characteristics. A nation-state is a political entity where the state's borders coincide with the boundaries of a nation, meaning that the state represents the interests of that specific nation.
Switzerland is considered a nation state. It is a country with a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Switzerland is not a stateless nation, part-nation state, or multinational state.
Nationalism is the term that means loyalty and devotion to a nation or culture exalting that nation above all others.
Centrifugal forces
Three forces that shape a nation identity, the identity of he individuals inside the nation, (including their beliefs, values, ethnicity, ect.) the geography, (where the nation is located.) and government (political forces within the nation.)
Stick them together with superglue
-desis means bind or tie together.
Do Amy and Tie get bake together
A tie is something that attaches or fastens items together. In other words, a tie is something that holds items together.
teamwork, partnership, cooperation, association, alliance
Knitting a nation together means rebuilding a given nation by bringing people together.
Tie 2 inputs together. Then tie the other 2 inputs together.
The French word for tying things together is "attacher."
I think Germany was the last nation to surrender to Allied Forces in 1918.
A tie is a support that does its work by resisting tension forces. A strut is a support that resists compression forces, struts do NOT have to be vertical.Ties put tension on the object, while Struts put compression. Example: A balcony.