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No, osage orange thorns are not poisonous. Arborists and horticulturalists do not find any part of the deciduous tree in question (Maclura pomifera) toxic. As with any injury, severe wounds from osage orange thorns nevertheless may turn into infections if not cleaned regularly and monitored properly.

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To use the fruit from the Osage Orange tree to repel bugs, Cut it into wedges and place it around the foundation of your home and in closets and cupboards. DO NOT use it on your skin, as the milky substance is a skin irritant. It is not poisonous, but is inedible.

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Yes I think so.

Is osage orange poisonous?

The fruit has an odor (faintly like an orange), but is inedible for the most part. Although it is not strongly poisonous, eating it may cause vomiting. The seeds of the fruit are edible. The fruit is sometimes torn apart by squirrels to get at the seeds, but few other native animals make use of it as a food source.

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"The Osage Orange Tree" by William Stafford portrays a conflict between the narrator and his father, who have differing opinions on the value of planting trees. The conflict also extends to the struggle of the narrator trying to understand his father's perspectives and eventually coming to appreciate the significance of the Osage orange tree.

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Are accacia thorns poisonous?

Acacia thorns are not typically poisonous in the sense that they contain harmful toxins. However, their sharpness can cause wounds or injuries that may lead to infection if not properly treated. It is always recommended to handle plants with thorns carefully to avoid injuries.

Where can someone find information about Osage Orange?

The Osage Orange tree is also known as a hedge apple or a horse apple. The websites Wikipedia and Hedgeapple are good places to find out more information about them.