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this is half of them janitor closet 2. supply closet 3.teacher lounge in drawer thatz it thst is all i know AND IF ANYONE ELSE KNOWS THE WREST PLEASE PUT IT ON!!!!!!!!!!! Also when u get richie out of his locker, And when you go in monkey room behind dolls is a keyboard key use it for button machiene take button to give to richie

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Q: Where do you get the money in riddle school 3?
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How do you get money in riddle school 3?

in janitor closet ,supply closet , teacher lounge in drawer

How do you escape school in riddle school 3?

holy shizzle you tell me

What do you do when you are done with the locker for riddle school 3?

go onto google and search for 'riddle school 3 walthrough' it should be one of the websites on the first page

Where is the chewing gum in riddle school 3?

In Riddle School 3, the chewing gum is located in the locker in the school hallway. Players need to use the combination 1-9-5-6 to open the locker and retrieve the chewing gum. It is essential to pay attention to clues and hints throughout the game to solve this puzzle successfully.

What do you do with the bookmark in riddle school 3?

go to the janiter

How do you get a dollar in riddle school 3?

collect the coins in places

How do you get chubb pudding in riddle school 3?

You have to find all the money in the school and go to the lunch room and click on Mrs. Munch. She will count your money and will give you chocolate pudding.

Is there a riddle school?

Riddle school is a fiction game entirely.

Can you be a girl on any of the Riddle School 3?

maybe no or maybe yes

How do you get out of Mr Soggy's room in riddle school 3?

throw ruler

How do you get the money on riddle school 3 from the janitors closet?

If you have the toilet paper, put it in the toilet and click on the flusher. The janitor will come in and say "DO I HEAR A TOILET CLOG?" and then you go back to the closet and grab the money.

Will there be a riddle school 5?

Yes there already is a riddle school 5.