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response time would be

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Q: What is the response time in time sharing system?
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When was Universal Time-Sharing System created?

Universal Time-Sharing System was created in 1966.

Diagram of time sharing operating system?

the block diagram of time sharing system in o.s

When was Compatible Time-Sharing System created?

Compatible Time-Sharing System was created in 1961.

What is the difference between Real time system and Multiprogrammed system?

A hard real-time system guarantees that critical tasks complete on time. This goal requires that all delays in the system be bounded from the retrieval of the stored data to the time that it takes the operating system to finish any request made of it. A soft real time system where a critical real-time task gets priority over other tasks and retains that priority until it completes. As in hard real time systems kernel delays need to be bounded

What is response time in real time system and What is the difference between response time and execution time in real time system?

Response time in a real-time system is the time elapsed between a stimulus being applied to the system and the system providing a response. It is important for ensuring that the system can meet its deadlines. Execution time, on the other hand, refers to the time taken by the system to complete a specific task or process. The key difference is that response time includes the time taken to process the stimulus and generate a response, while execution time focuses solely on the time taken to complete the task.

Difference between batch sharing and time sharing?

The main difference between batch sharing and time sharing is that in batch sharing system tasks are processed in order in which they arrive. Whereas, in the later the system switches between tasks.

What is the example of time sharing system?

One example of a time-sharing system is the bank's bankcard system, which allows hundreds of people to access the same program on the mainframe at the same time. The Multics & Unix operating systems are time sharing Operating Systems

Distinguish between multiprogramming operating system and time sharing operating system?

time sharing operating system is user interactive, but multiprogramming operating system need not be user interactive

what is the difference between multiprogramming system and time sharing system?

Multiprograming system is that system in which multiple programs run at same time or simontaniously for example windows this system does not provide user interaction with the coputer system. But time sharing systemis that provide user interaction with system and user thinks that system is with him all the time.

Difference between Time sharing operating system and batch processing operating system?

Differentiate between Simple Batch Operating Systems and Time-sharing Operating Systems

What is the relationship between response time and throughput in a system?

Response time and throughput in a system are inversely related. As response time decreases, throughput typically increases, and vice versa. This means that as the system processes tasks more quickly (lower response time), it can handle more tasks in a given time period (higher throughput).

IS 700 the joint information system is?

a set of guidelines and protocols for sharing sensitive and classified information during an incident response