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Unrealistic drama deals with events that are considered unrealistic - they cannot realistically happne in life (i.e. fantasy). Non-realistic drama refers to the performance style (as opposed to realism), where the acting, language, characterisation and set/staging are not designed to be believable (i.e. melodrama).

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Q: What is the difference between nonrealistic and unrealistic drama?
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the drama may be realistic or non-realistic in mode of production as well as in content. staging, make up, costuming, and acting may all be handled in such away as to emphasize the realistic or the fanciful. in a realistic drama, all the events are realistic. this means that you cant find , for example, a bird watching TV or talking, but in non-realistic drama you can use such a thing to emphasize a theme or an action.

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the difference between play script and drama are the play script has couching and drama is no couchingbow Myra 18 "{P?"{::"""

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Ah, such a lovely question. Dance drama combines the art of dance with storytelling, using movement to convey emotions and narratives. On the other hand, drama typically focuses on acting and dialogue to tell a story. Both forms of expression are beautiful in their own way, each offering a unique way to connect with audiences and share the human experience.

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in a drama, you are acting not funny and immature In a comedy you are acting funny and happy.

What is difference between greek drama and modern drama?

hey this is my first time writing answer.. ha, are you mad?