Dramatic literature is specifically written to be performed--you can have a non-fiction drama; fiction is strictly created and not necessarily about something real.
in Chinese drama their based to there culture but in English drama their referring of what their traditions are
American drama uses english language while british drama uses british language and they also differ because they came from different countries. They are similar because they are both drama.
The word 'drama' is really short for 'dramatic art' and is a blanket term covering a whole genre of literature for the stage whereas a one-act play' is the specific term for a type of play the action of which takes place in a single act. Plays are usually (though not exclusively) in three acts.
What is the difference between realism and liberalism?
what is the differences between poetry and drama?
they are two different cultures!
Indian Drama are drama are done in India while Philippine Drama are done in the Philippines
the difference between play script and drama are the play script has couching and drama is no couchingbow Myra 18 "{P?"{::"""
in a drama, you are acting not funny and immature In a comedy you are acting funny and happy.
hey this is my first time writing answer.. ha, are you mad?
Micah Jenine Cruz IG&TWITTER: hailholygaga
It is no difference
In Greek drama, every play was either a tragedy or a comedy. In Elizabethan drama, even tragic plays had comic relief.
Radio drama needs to be more descriptive - as the listeners cannot actually see what the actors are doing.
hirap mg hnp ng answer ...............kgigill