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Q: What did the brown cow say to the spotted cow?
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What is the subject of the sentence The large brown and black spotted cow was grazing in the small green field?

The subject of the sentence is cow (cow was grazing).

Is it harder to see a spotted cow from the air or a cow of only one colour?

It's harder to spot a cow that is more solid coloured than one that is spotted with black and white or brown and white. The white can be picked up by the eye much faster than an all-black, all-brown or all-grey cow.

Who sang spotted cow?

Steeleye Span sang the spotted cow

What does A little brown chicken brown cow mean?

ya kno how people say...bow chika bow wow well its a joke when u say brown chicken brown cow

How do say braunau?

Brow-now, as in how now, brown cow ...

Which is stronger brown hyenas or spotted hyenas?


What are the types of cows on FarmVille on Facebook?

A Normal Spotted Cow - Normal Milk - Gift, Buy, and Adoption A Brown Cow - Brown Milk - Adoption Only A Pink Cow - Strawberry Milk - Adoption Only (added by ttashababy-) A Holstein Cow- not sure what kind of milk- Adpt. only A Green Alien Cow- N/s- Adpt. Only A Groovy Cow- N/s- Adpt only. A Chocolate Cow (differs from above, i have both!) Chocolate milk, adpt only.

How do you get a brown cow on harvest moon ds?

if you save before you buy the cow then buy it if it is not brown then you load it until you get a brown cow

Does inbreeding has do with spotted cow?

Some, but not all. Spotting in cattle is a recessive trait and is kept by breeding spotted with spotted, regardless if a bull is bred to his daughters or a cow is bred to an unrelated bull. See the related link below for more info.

Which is an example of codominance A. A person with blue eyes and a person with brown eyes mate and have a child with brown eyes. B. A sheep with white fur and a sheep with black fur mate and produce?

An example of codominance would be a cow with red hair and a cow with white hair reproducing and have a cow with both red and white hair.

What was the brown cow named in Old Yeller?

I think the brown cow was spot

Are elephants a form of cow?

Umm.. no. unless there spotted then yes, but there no.