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During the course of the play 'Oedipus Rex', Theban King Oedipus makes three bad decisions. The first is his decision to behave churlishly towards Teiresias the blind prophet. He bullies and insults the seer into revealing that he himself is the murderer of previous Theban King Laius and therefore the cause of the plague that affects the Theban people, livestock and crops. He goes so far as to call Teiresias a liar. As a result, Oedipus and all of Thebes learn of his own true identity as the killer of father and king and as the wedder and bedder of mother and queen.

The second is his decision to behave equally churlishlytowards his brother-in-law and uncle, fellow Theban King Creon. He accuses Creon of plotting against him and snatching royal powers for his own use and to his own advancement. He goes so far as to threaten Creon with a choice of death or exile as punishment and fate. As a result, he alienates the originally sympathetic Creon and ends up with the same choice for his own punishment and fate.

The third is his decision to blind himself after discovering that Theban Queen Jocasta has killed herself. He thereby makes it impossible for him to rule effectively. Additionally, he encourages Thebans to think of the fulfillment of his predicted fate as a blind exile.

The three bad decisions also make it impossible for him to sort out the three bad decisions that he makes before the play begins. His first bad decision, before the play's action, is fleeing from Corinth. The Delphic Oracle tells him that he's fated to kill his own father and marry his own mother. He goes to the Oracle expressly for a second opinion as to whether he is or is not the rumored adoptive or foster son of his parents. Instead, he should have found out whether or not Corinthian King Polybus and Corinthian Queen Merope were his biological or his adoptive/foster parents.

The second bad decision, before the play's action, is killing a man who's old enough to be his father. Oedipus should have had critical thinking skills developed to the maximum what with his high standing. So he needed to be respectful of prophecies as possible indicators of obstacles in his path and problems in his personality. Instead, his response is emotional in an emotion charged situation.

The third bad decision, before the play's action, is marrying a woman who's old enough to be his mother. Once again, Oedipus should have been able to think things through critically. Once again, he needed to see what prophecies were telling him about where he was weak and vulnerable.

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12y ago

First: Listening to Cassius and joining the conspirators

Second: Letting Marc Antony live

Third: Going to Philippi to fight instead of letting Antony and his Army come to him.

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1. I

2. d

3. K

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Q: What are three bad decisions Oedipus makes?
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Is Oedipus fated by his destiny in 'Oedipus Rex'?

No, Oedipus is not fated by his destiny in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Oedipus has an unenviable fate as the prophesied killer of his father and husband of his mother. He makes efforts to avoid that fate once he is aware of it. But his efforts serve only to fulfill his fate. It turns out that all of his decisions are bad and that a better set of decisions may lead to a completely different destiny.

How is Oedipus a good and bad leader in 'Oedipus Rex'?

That he is results oriented but rash are ways in which Oedipus is good and a bad leader in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Oedipus keeps track of what goes on in his city. He leaves no stone unturned in anticipating his people's needs and solving problems, from the Sphinx's riddle to King Laius' murder. But his city matters so much that he gets carried away with his negative and positive emotions and makes reckless promises that come back to haunt him.

What is the theme of 'Oedipus at Colonus'?

Where Oedipus is going to die is the theme of "Oedipus at Colonus" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Oedipus lives and relives on a daily basis the dreadful prophecy that results in his personal and professional disgrace. But he makes a stop at a grove near Colonus outside Athens. There, he remembers that the prophecy is not all bad. Indeed, the prophecy reveals that Oedipus will die a special death and that his burial place will give luck to its location.

Is Oedipus bad or good in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Oedipus is more good than bad in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Oedipus expresses his goodness in defeating the Sphinx, gaining the respect of his people and serving superficially as a personal and professional model of happiness and success. He manifests his badness in his quick temper and rash decision making. But his badness reflects more a mistaken self-image than an evil character.

What news does Creon bring back to Oedipus?

hes dead

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Oedipus is more good than bad in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Oedipus expresses his goodness in defeating the Sphinx, gaining the respect of his people and serving superficially as a personal and professional model of happiness and success. He manifests his badness in his quick temper and rash decision making. But his badness reflects more a mistaken self-image than an evil character.

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hes dead

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