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I would not steal any girls panties. But if you are just curious about a girls scent then there is no harm of getting a little smell of her crocth.

depends how old you are if you are a teen then it is hormones. if you are an adult go smell some womans panties not a 13 yr old girls

to smell 13 yr old panties may be but to smell A 13 yr olds panties now that is different

Dude my friend has a 12 yr old sister and whenever I stay the night I always take at least one pair of her panties. The thing is I always take them out of the dirty cloths hamper I just like the smell of a 12 yr old girls pee. The best thing is if she takes a shower before I take any panties then I just take the ones she wore that day!

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14y ago
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Sounds great...lucky Guy!
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No...Sounds great...i do it all the time!

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Lvl 1
4y ago

How is the OP a sex offender? Guilty of...what? Please tell me you haven't reproduced. There is no more room in the gene pool for additional holier than thou moralist imbeciles.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Dumb question. If you're serious, I hope somebody puts you out of your misery! There is no room in this world for pedos, sex offenders, or rapists..

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4y ago

There is no harm in it in private.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Have fun.

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