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no it might not be approprate.

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Q: Should walk around in panties in front of 9 year old son?
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Should you walk in front of your horse when showing it where to go?

no at his shoulder !! if u walk in front he may trample you !!

When leading a horse should you walk in front of it?

No, you should walk next to the horse, usually on the near (left) side.

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When a horse is leading you should walk directly in front of it to show it where to go'?

I usually walk on the left side and walk confidently and the horse will follow

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Should you walk directly in front of a horse if you are leading it?

No, you should never walk in front of a horse. It may bite or rear up on top of you. You should stand to the left if you are leading him normally or stand to the right if you are leading him on a road. hope this was useful.

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Well if there is no one around totally walk away like you where not there and pray to god he did not notice you standing in front of him... but if your friend is next to you or something totally pass it off on them.