One way you can connect your laptop to your tv,is by using S-Video.Take the S-Video cable and connect it to your laptop,look for a circle with smaller circles in it.Do the same for your tv...then got to your desktop,right click,and go to properties...i dont know what to do after that :) bye
No, most projectors do not have TV tuners. You will need to connect the antenna to a digital TV tuner, and then connect the tuner to the TV.
If the TV has an audio output, connect this to a stereo amplifier, and then connect speakers to this. Modern TV's don't have amplifiers for external speakers.
Connect the AUDIO OUT from the back of the TV to the AUDIO IN of the BOSE unit.
If your TV has RCA audio outputs, you can connect an amplifier to these outputs to plug in speakers. If it has a headphone jack, you can connect computer-type amplified speakers to this output.
You can look at the in and out connectors on the TV and the amplifier. You have choices that depend on the tv and amplifier, basic stereo, surround sound and tos-link. As you know in and out are connected and out and in are connected. Do not connect in and in to each other and do not connect out and out to each other.
Well a lap top is a portable personal computer which means it can be moved and has a capability with profiles and passwords, also has a wireless receiver to connect to the internet
how do i connect my lap top just bought a nextbook have wireless internet at home trying to connect wifi on nextbook what do i need to do
You connect the cable with the lap top. See the instructions in the handbook and may need to load the software to your computer and the pictures will be transfered to your lap top. Check your camera box for the CD software and instruction booklet.
i have peotv facilities and can i connect additiona tv to the same set top bos
Most computers (whether a desk-top or lap-top machine) will have a 3.5mm jack socket for a microphone input.
You have to buy a HD ready TV or connect your TV with a Set Top Box.
There will be a "D" shaped multi pin plug on the plasma TV (at the rear or side)and would have the letters PC or an icon in the shape of a monitor. the lap top will have a "D" shaped multi pin socket. A decent computer shop will supply the lead required or internet. Get a HDMI Cable (after ensuring the laptop has one such port)
They usually use a lap-top computer plugged into the vehicle's battery.
All you need is a TV tuner card that has "AV in" facility. From your Set Top Box connect the AV cord to your AV in port of your TV tuner card and you are done.
can you connect to my tv
Connect your PS3 to your TV then connect you surround sound to your TV.
a half lap joint is used when needed to connect two woods togeter