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Q: How long does a soft spot stay on a babies head?
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Is there an actual spot on your head if you rub it you will die?

No. Babies have a "soft spot" on their head but it eventually closes.

When does the soft spot on a babies head close?

The soft spot on a baby's head closes as he or she grows. Since the head is still developing as an infant, it will gradually come into its own as the child grows.

Why do babies have a soft spot on their head?

Its because the brain has to form and the plate grows there later on.

When Chinese babies are born do they have a soft spot?

Yes, Chinese babies, like babies of all ethnicities, are born with a soft spot on top of their heads called the fontanelle. This soft spot allows for the baby's brain to grow and develop after birth.

Have a soft spot for?

Answer Someone who has a soft spot for you probably wishes that you would ask them out, instead of wondering what a soft spot is.

What is fonatel?

a soft spot on a baby's head

Do adults have soft spots?

An adult soft spot is usually a soft spot found on the side of the skull, instead of the fontanel that are found in an infant's skull. What the adult soft spot does, it actually supports the skull; avoiding a severe head injury.

Soft spot on a babys head?

Its called a fontanel

What are the similarities of a skull and a helmet?

they are both intende to protect your brain from impact's and are both hard except for babies because they usually have a soft spot on the top of their head for a length of time after they are born.

What should you do if you have soft spot that hurts on a adults head?

dont poke it!!

What is a baby soft spot?

A baby soft spot, also known as the fontanelle, is a small gap in the skull of newborns where the bones have not yet fused together. These soft spots allow for the baby's brain to grow and develop during the first year of life. It is important to handle these areas gently and avoid putting pressure on them.

Is it abnormal for the front and top of a puppy's head to be soft?

When first born, it is normal for the top of a puppy's head to be soft. This is called the soft spot or fontanelle and is where the bones of the skull have not yet fused to facilitate the birthing process. Over the next few weeks the soft spot should harden and fuse.