A really good way to do this is to let him penetrate your butt. This may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but he will love it and it will be an interesting experience for you. He will appreciate it and you will be keeping up with him by taking it up the back door.
Gently and without pressure; with luck this will indicate to him he should do the same. A kiss is far more sensual approached slowly, gradually. Some young people believe they will appear more experienced or more passionate if they try to copy the movies, but the passion will be mostly fake, and nobody will believe in the experienced bit! So keep it simple and build up to something more over time; you'll be glad you did.
it means you still want him
Do something with your friends to keep him off your mind.
You can keep your boyfriend on hard by doing oral sex on him or watching pornography. You can also use toys or dress up in order to make him hard.
keep him out of your life for good but if your boyfriend breakes up with you maybe you can have him as your boyfriendBUT STAY AS A FRIEND
Here is what i did.. let her facetime him. hurry up and do randiom things. After they hang up keep facetiming him. I did so much more stuff that annoyed the hell outa him :) Funny :) Ask me more "how to annoy" questions :)
keep it cool and act liike it dont bother you
That decision is entirely up to you. Which one do you love more. If you love your best male friend more go for it and break up with your boyfriend. But if your boyfriend means more to you hold on to the good thing you have.
spice things up keep him interested.........do spontaneous things to show how much he really means to you!!!
get more info
junoir. because your not that experienced, so you wont be able to keep up with the ones that are
ladies night break up with him