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your not pregnant

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Q: You took a pregnancy test and neither lines showed any results?
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Related questions

What do horizontal and vertical lines mean in pregnancy results?

my pregnancy test positive result should be vertical but is horizontal

Is my clear blue pregnancy test still accurate after 10 minutes?

It is recommended to read the results of a clear blue pregnancy test within the specified time frame (usually 3-5 minutes) for accurate results. Results may not be reliable or accurate after the recommended time frame due to potential evaporation lines or false positives/negatives. It is best to refer to the instructions provided with the test for more information.

What does on vertical line in the results window of a pregnancy test mean?

if you have only 1 line after taking your home pregnancy test it mean that you are NOT pregnant, and if there are 2 lines on your home pregnancy test, then you are pregnant but should go to a docotor to confirm it.

What is the significance of the results of a pregnancy test that measures the levels of hCG hormone in the body, specifically looking at the concentration of the hormone in the control (C) and test (T) lines?

The results of a pregnancy test that measures hCG hormone levels are significant because they can indicate whether a person is pregnant or not. The concentration of the hormone in the control (C) and test (T) lines helps determine the accuracy of the test and whether the pregnancy hormone is present in the body at detectable levels.

What does the two purple lines on pregnancy test mean?

You have to read the box or instructions inside the box. Every test is different and shows results in different ways.

What Lines that neither intersect nor are parallel?

If lines neither intersect nor are parallel, then they must be drawn in 3D space, or a higher dimension.(These lines are called skew lines)

What is the fastest way to find out if you're pregnant or not?

Get a couple of over-the-counter home pregnancy tests. follow their instructions. 4 weeks after you have sex take a preg test. Look for dark deep blue lines on your breasts when you get out of the shower Take a home pregnancy test, that is the way to get the fastest results. If you mean how do you get the results the earliest in your pregnancy, then a blood test at the doctors office will detect pregnancy the earliest. Blood test at the dr.

What can happen if you pee on a pregnancy test too long?

Leaving urine on a pregnancy test too long can lead to inaccurate results due to the evaporation of the liquid, which can cause lines to appear or disappear. It is important to follow the test instructions and read the results within the recommended time frame to ensure the accuracy of the test.

How many lines should show on a pregnancy test if you are pregnant?

Two lines should show up If you are pregnant on a pregnancy test /:

I did a pregnancy test both lines came up but one was not bright could you be pregnant?

It depends what type of pregnancy test it was - results differ on all tests. If on your test 2 lines means you're pregnant, then you're pregnant - even if a positive line is there it's positive because false positives are rare. If 2 lines mean you're not pregnant, get a blood test done at the doctor's

Can oblique lines be parallel?

No, oblique lines are neither parallel nor perpendicular

Does a kite have 2 lines of symmetry or 3 lines?

Neither. It has just 1.