I have heard august rush is based on oliver twist although i have not read the book myself. I LOVED the movie though. :)
no is the answer that we have heard for many years, but to my understanding Etta has family in Conroe, Texas that she has no contact with in years, how true it is I do not know but it is believed that she has a brother Louis James in this same town.
Louis tomlinson claimed he did but im not sure if its true or not
In the commentary for the episode, Alex Borstein mentions that the rumour which the Griffin family spread in the episode is an actual rumour that the family guy staff decided to start in about 2000/2001. According to other people on the commentary (don't know their names) the rumour spread and My Name Is Earl then mentioned it in their show. So quick answer: I'm pretty sure it's not true
No, this was just a rumour, which Logan himself heard as well. He answered the rumour in an online blog and said that it wasn't true.
I heard a rumour they are not doing it anymore, but dont know how true that is!
If its not true don't worry and ignore it. If someone asks just say "What's it matter to you?" or "Does it matter?" People make up rumours to create drama don't give in to drama.
No, they're fine
Thi rumour is DEFINITELY not true. People who get joy from scaring others are cruel and just bullies. Don't send them on, they are not true!
I don't now if the set is even coming out it's a rumour on moshi monsters wiki and their rumours are never true from what I have heard from
no this is not true it was a rumour
The story was a hoax. Preachers use this story to illustrate the power of words.
The cast of One True Hope - 2002 includes: Josef Kubista as Policeman Oliver Steindler as Brother
2012 is not true it is a fictitious rumour spreading. The world will not end in 2012.