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If this is a fresh tattoo it is because you are applying too much healing cream or too frequently. It builds up under your skin like a pimple

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Q: You have white dots all over your tattoo why is that?
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How long does it take for a 2 inch tattoo to be done?

it depends on alot of aspects. The design the different coloring could all take muich longer than a simple black and white tattoo.

Can you tattoo over old tattoos?

Yes they have cover ups but make sure you pick something that you are willing to live with because they are more solid and will be harder to cover up if you would be able to at all without continually getting larger and larger. Yes as long as the color of the new tattoo is darker than the old one. I've had it done. Doesn't have to necessarily be darker as colours in the darker end of the colour spectrum can work incredibly well, blues, greens and purples. You can use white highlights as well as white can work well over even the darkest blacks (Lucky Diamond Rich is having white tattoo designs over the black) Some tattoos can be completely "covered" by a professional tattoo artist who specializes in "cover-ups". Letting the artist guide you as to what can be done is the best way to go with this, and ideally you will be looking for a design that has a lot of detail in it: Japanese lends itself to this very well, as does mandalas, a tattoo can be covered with this kind of design, using colour, along with white ink. White ink may have to be done a couple of times however, to make sure it has covered what was there.

How much does it cost to get a tattoo removed?

The cost of getting rid of your tattoo is all over the place there are no exact figures BUT there is one big factor:you will spend a lot or little if you dont do your homework

Can you walk into an official tattoo parlor and get a temporary tattoo?

Yes, most official tattoo parlors have temporary tattoo options, which you can purchase on your visit. This is not always the case, but it has been for all of the tattoo parlors in my area.

How much does it cost to remove tattoo?

It would all depend on the size of the tattoo and the surgeon who removes it for you.

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Verbal Question. We can't, because it's false. If all black dots happen to be on the line x=0and white dots on the line x=π (and the rest of the plane is neither white nor black), there is no such pair.

Can you shave the hair that grows over a tattoo?

Since the question is vague, I will answer all the variables for it: 1) Can you have hair on tattoo? (Can you get hair on a tattoo?). Yes depending on the artist who is drawing the tattoo you can have them draw pictures like portraits which have the hair of the person drawn in the picture. 2) Can you have hair on tattoo? ( Can you have a hair tattoo?) Yes, this process is called Scalp Micropigmentation and is offered by ScalpMP in Sacramento, California you can find them on their website (link below). The process is pretty cool they tattoo 'micro dots' that look like tiny buzzed down hair follicles. 3) Can you have hair on tattoo? ( Can you have hair grow over a tattoo?) Yes this typically happens after the initial excitement of getting the tattoo subsides. The person begins to get lazy and stop grooming the hair in the area.

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He looks like a guy with green eyes, 3 horns on the top of his head and white dots all over with black around.

Walkthrough for pacman world 2 treewood forest?

This is easy all you have to do is eat all the white dots. :)

Did Miley Cyrus get a tattoo?

Yes all over her body

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it has adkdgbsgbsd'g SD

Where do you get a tattoo that does not hurt as much?

i feel sick all over get in that van.

What is the meaning of a four dot tattoo on your hand?

Dots on Knuckles TattooI was told it means 'all coppers are b******s' does it?? ya your right. in Ireland and Britain it is often put on by prison inmates but not allways, people put them on who have been in trouble with the police and have a bad attitude towards them.

You were putting lotion on your tattoo and you noticed some of the ink was on your hand is it going to be all right?

if its a new tattoo your fine . the tattoo will scap and some of the ink will leak its your body getting rid of all of the left over ink . but you shouldn't be putting lotion on a new tattoo a&d ointment is the best that's what the tattoo artists in ny recommend

What would cause needle size red dots all over face?

chicken pocks!

What does a panda bear with a green grill tattoo mean?

Panda Bears are not normally tattooed and even if they were you would not be able to see the tattoo under all the Panda's black and white fur.

What is the meaning of a cobra tattoo?

That you like the tattoo. Most true meanings of tattoos have been lost over the years and it's all about expressing yourself now.