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Chance of Pregnancyprobably - take an over the counter test - they are generally pretty accurate - have you noticed any weight change, moodiness, even hot flashes? If test comes up negative, I would see a gynocologist - just to make sure there isn't a problem with you organs.

Yes, you could be pregnant since its been 2 months since your last period...the blood, etc. could be a miscarriage or you could have cysts on your could be a couple different things but you should get to an OBGYN asap.


it could be Implanation bleeding or something wrong with your cycle see a doctor or take a pregnancy test or do both


You could have a vaginal infection also. Consult your doctor right away and be brave, or assume your pregnant and don't do a thing, but I advise you do something about it. Get that bohiney off the couch and go see your doctor.

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Q: You have not had your period for two months and now some brown discharge has been coming out along with some pink discharge could you be pregnant?
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Ive had brown and clear discharge is that a sign of your period coming?

yes how long have you had it you period will begin in 1-3 months start carrying around pads good luck

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could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

Is it normal for your first period to be white?

The white, liquid,clearish thing that comes out from your vagina is not a period. It's called a discharge and you get it when your close to your period,sexually active, or just cleaning your body. It is normal to get it and it is also normal to get it every single day! I got my period like 2 months after I got my discharge. but when my period was coming, the discharge was thick, and was coming out than before. If your period is coming soon and your at school, you better bring pads (or any other period materials) into your backpack or your locker so when you get it, you can just put it on. Hope this helped!-Webcasey

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No...its not that...must be cancer.

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Its coming its just coming kinda late. Brown discharge is blood its just old blood which is why its brown. Its kinda like the beginning of your period when you have brown discharge, that is how mine starts.

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Why are you not coming onto your period?

If you are pregnant

Does having white discharge mean you period is coming?

Yes (:

What can cause a brownish pink discharge about 14 days after your period?

Light pink discharge is common if you are pregnant.

Does white creamish discharge by the 30th day mean you are not pregnant?

No. Getting your period means you are not pregnant.