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could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

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Q: Could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?
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Could you be pregnant if you missed your period two months in a row and had your tubes cut and tied?

yes because you could have gotten pregnant before your Tubaligation. It depends when you had your Tubaligation

If you have a period and are extremely emotional afterwards can you still be pregnant?

You could have gotten pregnant on your period

I didn't have a period in June or July i took a pregnancy test in the middle of July that was negative i had a period aug 4 i just found out i am pregnant could i have gotten pregnant in July?

No. If you got a period after July, then you did not get pregnant in July.

Your period only last 3 days the past two months could you be pregnant?

No. If you are pregnant, your period will not come until you have had the baby.

What could cause you to miss your period for 3 months if you are not a virgin?

you might be pregnant

Why haven't i gotten my period in 6 months?

Well I am sorry sweetie but I am not a doctor but I could tell you that if you haven't gotten your period in 6 months its time to do something about it! I would go to the store and buy a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant! And if you are pregnant or not you need to be seen by a doctor asap! If you are not pregnant there are many disease or even cancer that may make you not have a period so you really need to get a pap smear! So I say just make an appt with your doctor if you don't have insurance there is the health department that will help you! YOU REALLY NEED TO BE SEEN BY A DOCTOR IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR NOT! I hope this helps and I wish the best for you!

Your girlfriend missed her period you have not been active in over two months she got her period in December but not yet and is about 13 days past could she be pregnant?

She could absolutly be pregnant!

Could you get pregnant when you've not had a period in two months?

Getting pregnant requires sexual union (or artificial insemination). If you have had either you can get pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you had a period a week ago and then for two days you have brown discharge i had sex right after my period?

Its possible. You also could have gotten pregnant right before you period so you should wait a week then take a test.

What could be wrong if you have not had your period in three months?

You could likely be pregnant or some other medical condition. Get it checked out.

What does it mean when your stomach is hard ah not gotten your period for a month?

Try taking a pregnancy test. More then likely It could be that your pregnant.

I have menstruation for 2 months is it possible im pregnant?

you could definitely be pregnant. its very possible to have your period while pregnant but its also rare. but it does happen.