Ask her if she wants to go hang out with you or go do something one day. If she says yes there ya go. Doesn't mean she may like you like you like her, but it's a start. Just do that a couple of times and see how things go. In the end ask her if she wants to go out on a date sometime maybe. If she says no don't take it too hard just yet. She may stil lbe warming up to you. Just ask her again later on if she wants to go do something else with just you and her or invite some friends to lessen the tension. Then try again to ask her out on a date after a few times. If she says no, then there's your answer. Or it may still be she's warming up to you and just not sure that she likes you either. It takes time and a couple of hard questions and answers.
You should try talking to her. Make the first move and ask her out. Dont be shy and dont be too cocky.
Answer Unless you have a crystal ball, I'd start talking to him, or you will never know if he likes your or not.
This is the same thing that happened to me... I was just talking to him and then in the middle of the convo i just said ''we dont go out, right?'' and he just said ''well, i do like you but we can just be friends'' And we've been friends ever since, so it didnt ruin our friendship. Hope it helped
Ask him
Ask your friends who he is.
pretty likely
just be cool ask them to stop and if they dont they are not good friends are they.
Kind of figure what he's been talking to you abut, and I'm sure it would be obvious that he does like you because of either how he's talking to you or because of how much he wants to talk to you, quite frankly, there are a lot of variables that could mean that he likes you, I suppose in the end, it all depends.
Don't do anything.
you should have one of your freinds go ask him who he likes, so then if he says some one other than you you dont melt into a puddle at his feet. if that doesnt work have your friend tell him that you like him and see what he says. if you dont want to tell him you like him, have your friend urge him into saying if he likes you or not. trust me, ive delt with this before.
no she is not jealous sharpay is awsome and she just likes herself. but if you r talking about out of the movie then i dont know.
tell her exactly what you said you dont love her. but let her down easy. tell her its really early and you dont think that either of you should be saying i love you. and if your in a relationship with her tell her that maybe with some time that will come.