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just be cool ask them to stop and if they dont they are not good friends are they.

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Q: How do you make your friends stop talking about the boy that likes you?
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What do you do if you like a boy and he likes you back but he's your friends ex and she still likes him?

well i think that if you and your friend are really good friends you should stop talking with the boy or just be friends with him because friends are ireplasable and boy are ok

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the more you talk to people the less you will stop talking to them or find something better to do and whenever you start talking to them tell yourself to stop

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you ask her y she hates u and if she doesnt have one of ur friends or her friends ask her it could just b her trying to get attention from you she likes you she wants you to continue asking her and talking to her she likes it

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When a girl makes you stop talking to your friend she is possessive and possibly jealous. You should never give up friends for anyone.

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staple their mouth shut

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If your best friend lies to you a lot, then stop talking to him/or her and make *New* friends that do not lie to you.

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tell him to stop being a brat

I like a boy but you are not sure if he likes me or not how do I tell if he likes me?

You have to watch how he acts around you. Does he.... * Stop talking around you? * Seem to pay attention only to you when your in groups? * Find ways to be next to you in groups? * Turn pink? * Do his friends nudge him or point at you whenever your around? * Talk to you non-stop when he can? Those are a few, but it all depends on the guy :)

If a girl calls you dear all the time and says she cant sleep if you r made at her and says your easier to describe and she likes talking to you more than your friends what does that mean what should?

Id say that girl really likes you! If you like her back then ask her out. If not ask her to stop

Can you give me good comebacks that will make them stop talking bad when your friends think their pets are better?

Tell 'em to "zip it and secure it". And that their pets are garbo.

So there was this guy and he was talking out pound to his friends but loudly even I could hear him he kept looking back at his friends and me what does that meanAlso he looks at me in class a lot?

When a guy looks at you it could mean many of things. It could mean that he likes you or that he is trying to tell you to stop looking at him.

How do you know if someone that is 11 likes you?

they get all twitchy and stop talking to you because theyre not sure how to react..