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Q: You ejaculated in the shower and later penetrated your girlfriend is she pregnant?
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Can a girl get pregnant if one ejaculated and than took a shower?

if the semen got anywhere near her vagina than there is a possibility of pregnancy.

Could a person get pregnant if semen was ejaculated on the girls stomach and it was washed off under the shower with hot water?

OMGoodness are you serious... You need to back to health class.

Could you get pregnant from showering with your girlfriend?

That depends largely on what was being done during this shower, and how. If during the shower, you were having intercourse, it is then possible. If you were having intercourse while using contraception, the likelihood decreases depending on the contraceptive used, and whether or not it was used properly.

How do you get your sim pregnant on the sims social?

you find your boyfriend/girlfriend and when they are in inseparable status you click on the double bed and click on whoohoo and they should change into their night clothes and start kissing in bed and then go under the covers or you can do it the same way but in the shower but to make the woman pregnant from the shower you need to click on whoohoo not quickie all of this uses energy

Is it easy to get pregnant while in the shower using no protection?

It makes no difference in or out of the shower while having intercourse; if your not on the pill or not using a condom, it is usually east to get pregnant.

Can a girl get pregnant after she takes a shower?

I would be willing to bet that nearly every girl that gets pregnant has showered at some point.Does the shower contribute, no, the boy does.

Will a girl become pregnant if she took a shower after a guy?


Can you have a bath when your pregnant?

Of course you can. You can use a bathtub or a shower.

The past 2 days you have been feeling lightheaded when you take a hot shower can you be pregnant?

yes. you are undoubtedly pregnant.

How long can sperm stay alive in the shower after 5 hours?

Ok if you ejaculated in the shower then the sperm will die very quickly. The sperm only stay alive if ejaculated into the vagina during sexual intercourse. They start to die of in the race to inseminate the womans egg. Many millions of sperms are released in one go and only one or two makes it to the egg. That is if the woman is fertile at the time of this happening in the first place.

Why won't your girfriend get in the shower?

Your girlfriend may refuse to get in the shower because she is shy or does not feel comfortable taking a shower at your place. The best way to establish the reason she won't get in the shower is to ask her in a friendly way and avoid making her feel uncomfortable.

The name for the function where a pregnant women is decorated with bangles?

baby shower function