I would be willing to bet that nearly every girl that gets pregnant has showered at some point.
Does the shower contribute, no, the boy does.
It takes one sperm cell to get a girl pregnant
because she never listens and is not a good girl, And stinky! hahag
mrs. winterbourn
if the semen got anywhere near her vagina than there is a possibility of pregnancy.
Yes, it only takes one...
It only takes once with unprotected sex to become pregnant.
it only takes one seamon to get your ego prego
Yes, all it takes is one sperm and you will have a bundle of joy.
Yes, it is certainly possible. While a shower is certainly going to reduce the possibility, it does not eliminate it. Using a condom is always a good idea.
The girl will not get pregnant unless she has sexual intercourse with her boy friend. There are high chances that she will go for sexual intercourse with her boy friend during taking a bath.