You need to get this checked out immediately, sometimes woman can bleed during pregnancy, and all cases need to be checked out by your midwife/GP. Especially with it being in the early stages of your first trimester. This needs to be looked at by a health care professional.
iam 5 weeks pregnant sac is not seen but bleeding
I had bleeding in first 6weeks of pregnancy no cramps though and am now 18 weeks pregnant just relax good luck xxxxxxx
Answer If ur cramping and bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant it could be two things: a miscarriage or you thought that you were pregnant and you were just really REALLY late. IF CONFIRMED PREGNANCY, CALL DOC IMMEDIATELY OR GO TO EMERGENCY ROOM.
cramps are normal during pregnancy
U may be pregnant, when I became pregnant with my first child I had cramps for two whole weeks before I knew I was pregnant..the whole time I just thought my period was coming and when it didn't I went to the dr n they confirmed my pregnancy I was 5 weeks.
If it is a boy, yes. If it is a boy, yes.
Yes you should,i was just 5 weeks pregnant and started bleeding and cramping,i had a little blood clot.I did'NT go to the E.R.When i went to my docter a few days later,they said it was'NT a period,i had a miscarriage.They said i should've definitely went to the E.R.You should not be bleeding,having clots,or cramping.Go ASAP.Good luck
go and see a doctor
im 5+ weeks pregnant and ive got cramps on the left side of my abdominal but im not bleeding im 5+ weeks pregnant and ive got cramps on the left side of my abdominal but im not bleeding Hi there and Congrats. I am 4 weeks pregnant and experiencing cramping on my left side. As far as I know it is normal but you should always say it to you doctor to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.
You aren't if you were 7 days late you would be around 5 weeks pregnant. The way an estimated due date works is you start from the first day of your last period. Unless you are 14 weeks pregnant and got your dates confused or had bleeding that you thought was a period but was something like implantation bleeding.
You are not protected if you have not completed the 3 weeks, so yes, you could get pregnant.
It is probably from implantation bleeding which occurs around 2 weeks after ovulation. Which is light and noticeable around week 4 (cause most don't know they're pregnant and are looking for their period) If it is brown, it is not fresh blood. You have no need to worry unless it becomes heavy and red w/ clots. I had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago so I know what to look for. You may also have cramps; I did not. But the bleeding was heavier than my normal period. But like I said you have nothing to worry about unless you are in pain or the blood is red and/or heavy. BTW Congratulations and I'm sure everything is fine :)