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I am not a doctor, but I have two kids and can tell you that you can always be pregnant with a negative response to a hpt. It is always safe to go to the doctor to make sure. Is this the first time your cycle has been late? Does it change dates from time to time? Could the spotting be your cycle trying to come on? Have you done anything dramatic or intense? What about Birth Control pills? Are you taking them correctly? With all this being said, to be on the safe side, if your cycle is not normal and you feel fretful, go to the doctor. A simple doc in the box will do and get a quick test done. yes. There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought. If you did not perform the test properly (example: you drank a lot of fluids before taking the test, which can dilute your urine). Etc To ensure the best results: * Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest * Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results * Take the test no more than 1 day before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low. * urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip * Check the results in the window frame of time suggested by the instructions of the pregnancy test.

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Q: You are 13 days late for your period and you are now having very light pink blood for last 3 days and you took hpt 4 days ago and it was neg Could you be pregnant?
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Sure he could. And the money you pay him can be used as a car payment. Why would you want a pregnancy test? You're probably not pregnant.

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