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Q: Year of manufacture of your browning hi power serial 75c32777 help?
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What is the manufacture date of a Browning High Power pistol serial number T197327?

Your browning hi-power was made by browning in 1967.

What was the manufacture date of a browning high power serial?

Impossible to answer without the serial number.

What is the date of manufacture of Browning High power serial number 76c31120?


What is the year of manufacture of a Browning Hi-Power serial no 7C19171?

Could it be that your browning hi-power is marked 70C19171? If it is then it was made in 1970.

What is the manufacture date of a belgium bruwning high power with serial?

You will have to call Browning with the serial number to find out.

What is the date of manufacture for a Browning Hi Power serial T293340?

You will have to call Browning. Your sn does not appear in any reference I have.

What year was a browning hi power belgium manufacture with serial number 245PM38380?


What is the manufacture date of a belgium browning high power pistol with serial 245pz14245?

Made in 1981.

What is the manufacture date of a belgium browning high power with serial number 245py20711?

The 2 letters PY found in the serial number sequence indicate that your Browning High Power was made in the year 1982.

How old is your browning hi power?

The serial number should indicate the year of manufacture for your Browning Hi-power.Please include it in your question to get a correct answer.

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