You will have to call Browning with the serial number to find out.
Made in 1981.
The 2 letters PY found in the serial number sequence indicate that your Browning High Power was made in the year 1982.
Between 1969-1970.The T prefix Hi-power handguns exceeded T300,000 and were shipped into the year 1970.
What is the age of a belgium 9mm browning hi power serial number 72c41055
Impossible to answer without the serial number.
1972. Reference the following website for information on manfucture dates for Browning Hi Power pistols.
The 245 tells us your pistol is caliber 9mm Parabellum. The PZ translates to p=8 and z=1, for a manufacture date of 1981. Each year, serial numbers started with 01001 and counted up from there for the year. Very nice pistols, by the way.