Wow I am looking through theinter net trying to answer the vary same question the gun I just bought is within 200 numbers of your serial number . I hope someone answers your question soon and mine will be answered also Good luck
1989 was date of manufacture for the VL prefix.
It is a Vanguard.
Check with Weatherby- their California number is 805-227-2600. There IS a safety recall on certain Vanguard rifles- see their website for more information.
Blue Book of Gun Values might have sn data.
No published sn data I am aware of.
BLue Book of Gun Values might have sn data.
No published sn data.
You will have to contact the Weatherby Collector's Association.
Contact Weatherby, or the Weatherby Collectors Website. The data is not published. Sorry
Vanguard's DTC number is 0062. This number is used for electronic transfers of securities into or out of a Vanguard brokerage account.
Check with Weatherby Customer service. My references only show letter prefix dates.
The Vanguard Group is an investment company; Use the "Contact us" section on The Vanguard Group's website to select the relevant phone number for you.