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BLue Book of Gun Values might have sn data.

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Q: How old is your Weatherby Vanguard Serial Number VS130939?
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What is the model number for a Weatherby rifle with the serial number VS263675?

It is a Vanguard.

How old is your Weatherby Vanguard Serial Number VL23403?

1989 was date of manufacture for the VL prefix.

How old is weatherby vanguard serial number vs316615?

Blue Book of Gun Values might have sn data.

What year was a weatherby vanguard 308 caliber with serial number vl38239 made?

No published sn data I am aware of.

What year was a weatherby vanguard 243 caliber rifle with serial number vl12910 made?

No published sn data.

What is the age of of a weatherby vanguard 7mm magnum with the serial VO9011?

Contact Weatherby Customer Service through their website.

What year was a weatherby vanguard serial numberVS40484 made?

No sn data on the commercial market that I know of.

How old is your weatherby rifle with a serial number that starts vl06?

You will have to contact the Weatherby Collector's Association.

Mark v weatherby serial number P7531 can you tell me the date when made?

Contact Weatherby, or the Weatherby Collectors Website. The data is not published. Sorry

What year was weatherby mark v deluxe serial?

Impossible to answer without a serial number

What year was my Vanguard Rifle made with serial?

Impossible to answer without the serial number.

Year of manufacture of weatherby vanguard vgx serial number vx18281?

Wow I am looking through theinter net trying to answer the vary same question the gun I just bought is within 200 numbers of your serial number . I hope someone answers your question soon and mine will be answered also Good luck